DeConick A.D

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In addition to vowel chanting and snoring mantras, Gnostic liturgies

frequently rely on repeated refrains in their prayers and hymns. In the

Sethian liturgy known as the Three Steles of Seth, initiates repeatedly cry

out such refrains as they attempt to ascend into the three main realms of

the Sethian transcendent world. These appear to have served as mantras

for their transcendent journey (Three Steles of Seth NHC VII.5 121.15–16,

124.10–13, 17–18, 125.24):

“You are perfect! You are perfect! You are perfect!”

“You have heard! You have heard!”

“You have saved! You have saved!”

“We give thanks! We bless you always! We glorify you!”

“We rejoice! We rejoice! We rejoice!”

“We have seen! We have seen! We have seen!”

“You are One! You are One!”

After ascending into the highest realm of the Father, the initiates and the

congregation become collectively silent.

Similar mantra-like phrases are found in Hermetic hymns, in which

initiates sing the refrain “We have known you!” at the beginning of each

line of song (Asclepius 41 [Latin]). In other songs, the repeated refrains

are “Holy is God!” and “Holy are You!” (Corpus Hermeticum 1.31).

The most extensive explanation of Gnostic chanting is known from the

descriptions of the Valentinian Gnostic leader Marcus, who used specific

chants in his congregation to harness the power of the transcendent divinities

and bring about cosmic harmony and personal healing. We will

discuss the chanting practices of his congregation more fully in chapter 8.

Shared Trauma

Gnostic spirituality is a metaphysical orientation that identifies the human

condition as traumatized, not as the result of traumatic events we face in

our lives but because of our essential nature, which exists torn, separated

from the ultimate source of reality. In this isolated state, our essential

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