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The nous is the aspect of the human being that can perceive what is

bigger than us. The nous makes it possible for us to become aware of

what is beyond our mundane day-to-day identities, to perceive what is

universal about our existence, what is God. Because of its transcendent

nature, the nous links us to the supreme God. The human nous is, in the

opinion of the Gnostics, the self that transcends the psyche. It is our true

self, the True Man.

Adam the First Man

How did the transcendent nous come to inhabit the human being? To

answer this question, some Gnostics turned to traditional creation stories

like the Genesis story in the Bible. They thought that we received this

transcendent self when the Creator God YHWH blew into our nostrils.

At that moment, unbeknownst to YHWH, the incorporeal spirit of the

transcendent God was instilled in Adam in a substantive way. Because the

supreme God is incorporeal spirit, they reasoned, the nous instilled in

Adam must also be God’s spirit in a substantive way.

This is a very different perspective from that of other thinkers at the

time who were arguing that the Creator’s breath blew in a spirit that resembled

God as closely as possible. No, the Gnostics said, the first human

being contained an actual piece of the supreme God’s mind or spirit. The

human nous is equivalent to God’s pneuma (spirit). As such, the human

nous is not like God, not some derivative copy that makes humans resemble

God. It is God within.

This clash of perspectives coincided with the trendy intellectual scene

in Alexandria, Egypt, at the start of the first century CE. Alexandria was

edgy. Artsy. Cerebral. It was the place to be. It is where Jews, Greeks, and

Egyptians were discussing metaphysical topics, including the nature of the

human mind. One of these Alexandrian intellectuals was a famous Jewish

philosopher by the name of Julius Philo. We know of more than thirty

philosophical books that Philo published during his lifetime.

In his publications, Philo rereads the Jewish scripture in light of Greek

philosophers like Plato. So it is not surprising that he takes on the problem

of the human nous and tries to sort out whether the philosophical

concept is biblical. The kind of nuances and complexities that Philo raises

when he talks about the nous are best explained as responses to the Gnos-

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