DeConick A.D

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plish (John 5:16, 7:1, 32, 8:59, 10:39, 11:54, 57, 12:36, 18:3, 12–14, 30–31,

19:7, 12, 15). Because it is part of the historical memory that Jesus and his

initial followers are Jewish, the author also recognizes that “salvation is

from the Jews” (4:22), but he does not think that it remains within Judaism.

In the Gospel of John Jesus warns his followers that they will be expelled

from the synagogues, persecuted and killed by “the Jews,” who have

not acknowledged Jesus and have no relationship with Jesus’ Father (9:22,

12:42, 15:20, 16:2–3). The only solace the Christians have in this Gospel is

faith in Jesus’ powerful prayer of protection that his Father will safeguard

them from the hatred of the world and the world ruler (17:14–16).

Jesus promises his followers that they will know the truth and the

truth will make them free from their slavery to sin and the forces of evil

(8:31–32). To liberate humans from their enslavement to cosmic forces,

Jesus must battle the forces of darkness and overthrow their leader, the

world ruler (12:31–32). In the Johannine story, this moment happens at

the crucifixion. Jesus’ death is identified as the moment of triumph, when

the powerful spirit that has been residing within Jesus leaves behind Jesus’

human body and draws everyone up with him (12:31–32, 19:30). This is

the moment of liberation, when Jesus conquers the world ruler and saves

the spirit (16:10–11; cf. 14:30).

Gnostic Footprints

The Gospel of John tells a story about Jesus that is vastly different from

those told about him in the other New Testament Gospels, in which Jesus

is depicted as a prophet and Messiah chosen by God as the leader of God’s

kingdom. Only in John is Jesus portrayed as a divine emissary who descends

from a transcendent celestial realm to reveal his Father to people lost

in a dark cosmos controlled by the sinister world ruler. Only in the Gospel

of John does Jesus descend as a spiritual entity of light to teach humans

about an unknown God, conquer the demonic forces, and save the faithful.

This story is so different from the one written in the other Gospels that

we have wondered for years whose story it originally was. Although none

of this narrative would have been anathema to early Apostolic Catholics,

it is also true that this narrative was the ultimate story of Jesus for the

Gnostic Christians, who presented Jesus as the divine superman sent from

the transcendent God to save them from the darkness.

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