DeConick A.D

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But now that we can read the Gospel of Judas for ourselves, it is clear

that we have been misled by Irenaeus’s testimony. Although many scholars

initially misread the text and suggested that Judas is a hero in it, just

as Irenaeus claimed, my own translation and work on this Gospel has

challenged and upended this opinion (DeConick 2009). The Gospel of

Judas is a surprise because Judas is no hero in it but a demon—even

worse than the possessed traitor described in the Gospels of Luke (22:3)

and John (6:70–71, 13:2, 14:27, 30–31). This Gospel is literally Jesus’ apophasis

(meaning indictment, from the Greek apophainô ) of Judas for his

demonic activity (Gospel of Judas TC 33.1–33.6).

In the Gospel of Judas, Jesus calls Judas the “thirteenth demon.” This

is the designation for the dark lord Ialdabaoth in other Sethian literature,

where he is known as the ruler of the thirteen realms (Gospel of the

Egyptians NHC III.2 63.19). In Sethian cosmology, the world is divided

into five abysses and seven heavens ruled by demonic archons. Above this

is the thirteenth realm of the fixed stars, and Ialdabaoth, the greatest of

all demons, rules it (Gospel of Judas TC 51.12–15). In this Gospel, Judas

is associated with the thirteenth realm and its star, indicating that Judas is

in league with the dark lord who rules the cosmos from the sphere of the

fixed stars (55.10–11; cf. 46.19–24). Given this demonic association, Judas

is told that he himself can expect to one day become the dark lord of the

thirteenth realm and rule over the other twelve dark lords (46.5–7).

If we keep in mind that Ialdabaoth is the Gnostic name for the Jewish

biblical God YHWH, then what we have going on here is very interesting

indeed. Judas, rather than Jesus, is identified as YHWH. This association

isn’t so far-fetched, given the Sethians’ belief. If YHWH is a demon, not

the good Father God, then Jesus couldn’t be YHWH, as the Apostolic

Catholics believed. Instead, Judas had to be!

You’re a Gem

What is so remarkable is that this association of Judas with Ialdabaoth

was known in antiquity, outside the Gospel of Judas. This came to my

attention in 2008 when a student of mine at the time, Grant Adamson,

brought a photo of an amulet to my office. When he showed me the

photo, I nearly fell off my chair. I was staring at a Gnostic secret that had

been locked in a museum drawer for the last three hundred years.

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