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In a grisly satire of this problem, Kevin Smith, in his film Dogma , plots

out what it might look like today if the laws in the Bible and their death

penalties actually were enforced. To stage this problem, Smith features an

ongoing dialogue between the two rogue angels, Loki and his friend, the

guardian angel Bartleby.

As the angel of death, Loki’s job is to mete out God’s punishments, to

kill those who break God’s commandments, as scripture demands. Loki is

the one who killed humankind in a flood that spared only the righteous

Noah and his family. He rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom and

Gomorrah and beset the Egyptians with plagues. Loki is the avenging

angel, until Bartleby convinces him that killing people as a punishment for

breaking God’s laws might be cruel and unusual, that Loki should simply

refuse to do his job. When Loki decides to stop the killings, God exiles

him and Bartleby from heaven.

As the plot thickens and these rogue angels figure out how they might

turn themselves into mortals and reenter heaven through a Catholic loophole,

Loki decides that he had better take up his old job again. “What

better way to show I’ve repented than by resuming the position I denied,”

Loki tells Bartleby.

As a demonstration of his repentance, Loki shows Bartleby an article

about a company that he judges to be idolatrous, given that they are

profiting off the image of Mooby the Golden Calf. So Loki drags Bartleby

along to the company’s corporate headquarters, where he faces off with

Mooby’s board of directors. He accuses each board member of a variety

of sins, everything from adultery to profiteering.

During this tirade, all in the boardroom stand frozen in their sins, terrified

by Loki. The angel of death is disgusted with them all. “What makes a

human decent?” he asks them. “Fear . . . None of you has anything left to

fear anymore. You rest comfortably in seats of inscrutable power, hiding

behind your false idol, far from judgment, lives shrouded in secrecy even

from one another. But not from God.” His accusations end in a violent

purge, his gun blazing, bullets ripping through all the men in the room.

What Smith sets before our eyes in cinematic gore is the gruesome

reality that Paul pinned down two thousand years earlier, that the commandments

God established in the Bible can never be kept by human

beings, who are privately immoral. If the punishment for breaking God’s

commandments were actually enforced, practically everyone would be

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