DeConick A.D

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to convince us that Christians are not slaves to the biblical God, like the

Jews, but are really free. He says that the biblical God had laws in place for

the benefit of his people. YHWH restrained his people so that they might

obtain the gift of salvation through obedience to the Ten Commandments.

His restraints and laws should not now push us to rebel against

him as apostates. Despite the fact that YHWH has limited humans with

laws so that he has a basis for fair judgment and can honor the obedient

with immortality, he has always preserved freedom and the power of selfgovernment

(Irenaeus, Against the Heresies 4.16.5).

The most prized mode of human existence, what Irenaeus calls the

“glory of the human,” is to remain permanently and obediently in

YHWH’s service. He reasons that God created the human being and this

fact alone makes us his servants. Although it is true that God put into

effect certain laws, including the requirement to offer him sacrifices, this

does not mean that God wants or needs anything from us in the form of

offerings (4.14.1). To the contrary, he did this for the benefit of human

beings who were blind and needed to see what true sacrifice is. It was

necessary for us to make offerings to God so that, through our obedience,

we might receive life from YHWH (4.17.1–4).

Christians do this by participating in the Eucharist ceremony performed

in the Apostolic Catholic churches. It functions as a first-fruits

offering of thanksgiving that sanctifies creation (4.18.6). God does not

need our offerings, but he wants to teach humans that they must be grateful

for creation (4.17.5). The Lord Jesus gave instructions about how to

offer this sacrifice to God. It is a pure sacrifice, and the only one that is

acceptable to YHWH. Just as we bring gifts to our kings to show our

honor and affection, so too we bring our gifts and offer them to YHWH.

By showing our obedience and gratitude, we receive respect and salvation

from him (4.18.1).

Culture and Counterculture in Rome

To appreciate the countercultural program of the Gnostics, it is helpful to

recognize what the Romans valued. First and foremost, they prized longstanding

tradition, “the way of the elders.” The old ways of their ancestors

were the good ways. The ancestors had taught people virtue, fidelity, and

respectfulness as the foundation of Roman civilization (figure 9.2). These

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