DeConick A.D

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solely on physical explanations for the way humans think. For our purposes,

it illustrates the kind of knowledge meant by the word gnosis .

The thought experiment centers on a scientist, Mary, who is quarantined

in a black and white room. For her entire life, she has been forced

to learn about the world through a black-and-white monitor in the room.

She is a specialist in neurophysiology, having learned, from books and

from observations through the monitor, all there is to learn about how

we see. She knows the exact wavelengths of light that stimulate the retina

to produce the color red. She can speak intelligibly about red tomatoes

and understands how the vocal chords produce the sentence “The tomato

is red.” What will happen when Mary leaves her room and sees a red tomato?

Plato would have said that Mary would gain gnostic understanding,

knowledge of the object that can only be acquired by the direct experience

of it.

The Gnostics believed that they had gnosis because they had found

and met the hidden God directly, by undertaking an ecstatic quest. What

was shocking was that the God they found was not numbered among the

gods of the Babylonian, Egyptian, Jewish, or Greek myths that were being

worshipped in the temples down the street.

The Transcendent God of Egypt

Although it is abundantly clear that Gnostic spirituality was forged in ecstatic

fires, it is less easy to identify the exact fire, particularly when we take

into consideration how eclectic Gnostics were. In addition to personal

revelation, Gnostic systems were fashioned from a wide variety of religious

and philosophical sources. The first Gnostics were pluralists, drawing from

any tradition or source that helped them answer their existential questions.

So we have thousands of footprints but no animal.

First and foremost, though, we know that the Gnostics took the idea

of a supreme transcendent God very seriously. In fact, Irenaeus, bishop

of Lyons, identifies this as the central feature of Gnostic teachings. He

opens his five-volume book series Against the Heresies by objecting to the

Gnostics’ claim to be able to reveal to initiates a God who is more excellent

and sublime than the biblical God, YHWH, who created heaven and

earth (Irenaeus, Against the Heresies 1.1.1, 1.19.1–2).

Different Gnostic groups recognize this sublime God by a variety of

names. They call this God Perfect, Eternal, Unbegotten, Unoriginated,

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