DeConick A.D

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and divinity in nature, according to Paul, they went about worshipping

it all wrong. Instead of worshipping the immortal God, they created

idols and worshipped those. Paul says that the Gentiles did not recognize

that, when they did this, they were really worshipping demons, a practice

that enslaved them to the elemental forces of the universe (1 Corinthians

10:20–22). So their minds were darkened as they became foolish and futile

in their thinking. Since they did not acknowledge the real God, they fell

under the power of wickedness and evil (Romans 1:19–29).

Following Paul’s logic, the Jews fared no better on this account; they

also had become idol worshippers, when they built the golden calf in the

wilderness. Although they were chosen by God and had real opportunities

to know him over the years, they too (with the exception of a few

Jews) failed to understand him and did not seek him out (Romans 11:7).

Because of their ignorance, they turned away from God and became idol

worshippers in the desert (1 Corinthians 10:5). Because they did not know

God, they became sinners caught in the confines of a law they could not

keep (Romans 3:10–12, 19–20, 5:20, 11:1).

To illustrate his point, Paul refers to the story of Moses, who experienced

a luminous transfiguration on Mount Sinai and then donned a

veil to cover the brilliance of his face. Paul says that the veil is still there,

preventing the Jews from seeing the authentic, glorious manifestation of

God in Jesus the Messiah. This veil remains, covering their minds, keeping

their hearts hardened to the true God (2 Corinthians 3:7–18).

Yet, while they had been disobedient and contrarian throughout their

past, Paul was convinced that God never gave up on them or rejected

them (Romans 11:1–2). He hopes that they will come around to the truth

one day, even if their motivation must be jealousy that God shines his

favor on the non-Jews (Romans 11:11–15).

Paul remarks that there are many so-called gods represented by idols.

But these aren’t the One God. For Paul and his converts there is only one

God, the Father, and his manifestation as Lord Jesus the Messiah, from

whom all things come and for whom we exist (1 Corinthians 8:4–6). Paul

is quite positive that YHWH and his manifestation as Jesus is the One

God of both the Jews and the Gentiles, even though both groups have

failed to know him or worship him (Romans 3:29–30).

The human failure to seek and know the One God resulted in human

disobedience, sin, and death, beginning with Adam and extending

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