DeConick A.D

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The Hermetics have left us with a large number of documents that

outline their beliefs, and all of them point to the religious buffer where

Egyptian lore about Atum mingles with Greek philosophical sensibilities.

The Egyptian gurus who composed the documents did so at a moment

in Egyptian history when their land had been colonized by the Greeks

and then by the Romans. They felt that their ancestors had been faithful

to the Egyptian gods, had been pious and reverent, but that it had not

paid off. What good had come of all their sacrifices to the gods? What was

the consequence of their reverence? Foreigners were occupying the land.

The temples had been abandoned. The holy land of Egypt had become a

land filled with tombs and corpses. Irreverence, disorder, and evil were all

around them. Old Egypt had died (Asclepius 24, 26 [Latin]).

We might have expected these Egyptian priests to blame the foreigners

for the destruction of the old Egypt. But they did not. Instead of blaming

the foreigners for the disorder and chaos around them, they blamed their

ancestors instead. They thought their ancestors had erred gravely when it

came to understanding divinity. Although their ancestors had been attentive

to the worship of the gods, they had been inattentive to the worship

of God, the all-lord. Instead of focusing their reverence on the Unbegotten,

the One and All, Atum, their ancestors had focused on the begotten

gods, a second tier of deities who had been generated to govern the land

(37 [Latin]).

What had their ancestors done? They had made cult statues, which

they successfully implanted with the souls of various gods through magic.

Because these cult gods had been formed by mixing the souls of the gods

with precious metals and stones, the cult gods had earthly natures as well

as heavenly. The cult gods needed to be appeased and entertained by constant

sacrifices, hymning, and praises, so that the heavenly entity could be

enticed to stay within the earthly statue and assist humankind. Although

the divine entities in the cult statues could be manipulated to do good,

they also could become annoyed and inflict punishment. In fact, this is

just what happened. When different local populations treated various cult

statues differently, honoring some and not others, the gods became angry

and withdrew from the land (37–38).

The Hermetic gurus said that the only remedy is to worship the supreme

all-lord, who, unlike the begotten gods, is offended by sacrifices

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