DeConick A.D

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at the beginning of the first century CE. There was no common Gnostic

religion in antiquity, but there were Gnostics—religious people who

adopted a Gnostic metaphysical orientation that inverted the way they

“did” religion.

This new orientation valued the human being as something more than

a mortal creature fashioned by God to do his bidding. The human being

is understood to be substantially connected to a divine source that transcends

creation. Because of this, the human being is perceived to be bigger

and more powerful than the conventional gods who oversee creation.

Knowledge of this divine source, gnosis, depends on a direct link with the

transcendent God, along with the inspired rereading of religious scriptures

and a pluralistic quest in which truth is built from a wide variety of

religious traditions, philosophical wisdom, and scientific understanding.

At the heart of this new orientation, then, is transgression. It is a countercultural

worldview that flips the conventional upside down. The true

human is not mortal but immortal. The true God is not to be found

among the Gods we worship in synagogues, churches, and temples. The

true God can’t be known by reason or thought but must be experienced

directly. Scriptures contain meaning beyond the traditional—even meaning

antagonistic to the traditional.

This transgression, which is the heart of Gnostic spirituality, is not

explained by dubbing it a perversion or a fabrication. Transgression is

far more complex than either of these alternatives allow. Transgression

is about crossing boundaries and shifting territories. It is about limits

that are ever on the move. We only really know that transgression has

happened by observing the reactions people have to it. Transgression

becomes transgression when “orthodoxy” and “heresy,” “rightness” and

“wrongness” become fixed, when certain values get attached to certain

differences, and with them the scarlet A .

Breaching Norms

Back in the day, I remember being impressed by a simple demonstration

mentioned by my college sociology professor. Sociologists call the demonstration

“breaching,” because the aim is to examine people’s reactions

to breaches or violations of behavior that we generally accept as common

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