DeConick A.D

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short. God is coming. Reorient your lives to the teaching of Jesus the

Messiah so that you will be prepared for his Judgment and for admittance

to paradise when the world ends.” With a sense of urgency, they

baptized initiates in river water, which they believed cleansed the initiate

of all past sin.

To distinguish themselves from the followers of John the Baptist, who

were competing with them for converts, the Jerusalem missionaries began

to declare that their baptism was better than John’s, because it not

only forgave sin but also actually conveyed to initiates the Holy Spirit, a

sort of guardian angel that took up residence in their souls. Their baptism

imitated Jesus’ own, when the Spirit descended into him and he

became a child of God. The missionaries promised initiates that the Holy

Spirit would assist them as they tried to live sin-free lives in obedience to

YHWH by putting into practice the Messiah’s interpretation of the Torah.

The devotees of Jesus who remained in Jerusalem went to the Temple

every day, praying for the salvation of Israel and tending to the needs

of the people who lived in their commune. In this mode of charity and

poverty, they awaited the return of Jesus the Messiah from heaven, when

they believed that they would be transported to an eschatological paradise

as resurrected angelic beings like him.

Gentiles Convert

The Wayfarers had some success convincing fellow Jews of Jesus’ messiahship,

although they gained the most ground among the non-Jewish, Gentile

God fearers who frequented the synagogues. These were Greeks and

Romans who admired the monotheistic and ethical teachings of the Jews

and so hung out in the synagogues and tried their best to live like Jews,

without being circumcised. They were obligated to observe the Noachide

laws, the seven laws that the Jews believed were given to Noah before

circumcision was demanded of Abraham and his descendants. These laws

are based on their reading of Genesis 9:9, among other scriptures. They

were prohibited from worshipping idols, committing murder or theft,

engaging in sexual immorality, blaspheming, and eating bloody meat.

The God fearers were attracted to the Wayfarers because the community

used baptism, not circumcision, as its initiation ceremony. The

God fearers were considered full converts to the Jesus movement without

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