DeConick A.D

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Christianity could not contain within itself such adversity. Diversity is

one thing, but when the diversity is diametric, it is explosive. As Christianity

formed, decisions had to be made about which God would be the

object of worship—the transcendent God or YHWH. Were the twelve

disciples the clever founders of Christianity or ignorant men who never

left behind their ancestral Jewish religion? They could not be both.

Was Jesus’ death a sacrifice desired by God for the salvation of sinners

or was it something of which the transcendent God did not approve but

exploited to trick the demons? It had to be one or the other.

Was the Eucharist thanksgiving meal, when Christians consumed the

body and blood of Christ, the central ritual or was the central ritual an

initiation mystery, when the spirit began its ascent to the transcendent

world? These were irreconcilable differences.

Given these kinds of baseline oppositions, the hostility between Apostolic

Catholic and Gnostic Christians is not particularly surprising. It was

not possible for both communities to retain their claim to the Christian

identity. One community had to go.

The earliest Gnostic Christian communities may have functioned as

esoteric Christian lodges and Christian reform movements, but it is clear

that by the third century most Gnostic Christians were separatists like

these Sethians who wrote the Gospel of Judas. They were operating from

the viewpoint that Apostolic Catholicism was so corrupted that it was

beyond repair. Gnostics felt they had to hide from or leave the Apostolic

Catholic church to avoid violence. So some of them preserved, on the

fringes of Christianity, what they believed was the true form of Christian

belief and worship, gathering under the radar in less centralized churches

and conventicles. This is what the Gnostics who wrote the Gospel of

Judas did.

The other option was to move beyond Christianity and create new,

competitive Gnostic religions. In the third century, that is exactly what


Mani and His Avatar

The first world religion is a Gnostic religion. After its founding in the

third century, the religion spread like wildfire down into Egypt, west

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