DeConick A.D

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Allogenes the Stranger. It may also have included some pieces of the Corpus


The fourth Gnostic awakening is so massive that we are still in its

throes. The extraordinary recovery of so many texts written by ancient

Gnostics has inspired an unprecedented renaissance of Gnostic spirituality

in America. This renaissance helped build up New Age movements on

the old Gnostic frame, which has been bent or broken open to accommodate

modern developments such as Darwinism, environmentalism, and

our race into space. The fourth Gnostic awakening has fueled skeptical,

spiritual-but-not-religious sensibilities, which condemn conventional organized

religion in favor of personal religious satisfaction and direct experiences

of the holy.

Gone is the God of damnation. Gone is the focus on sin and retribution.

In its place is the God of Love that the Gnostics claimed to know.

Separation from God and reunification with the sacred has become the

story of salvation. Behind it all is the individual as the divine human agent

empowered to do great things. The demand is for therapy, for religion

that is useful. To be successful, religion today must promote personal

well-being, health, and spiritual wholeness. It must be attuned to a raising

of consciousness, to global awareness, to life that is linked with the

transpersonal or transcendent.

The Future of Gnosticism

When it comes to the survival of Gnostic spirituality, there is another factor

that most modern people are uncomfortable trying to explain, because

it is irrational, but it has happened and still happens and will happen over

and over again: rapture. The spontaneous religious experience. The sudden

overwhelming revelation. The ecstatic encounter with transcendence,

with ultimate reality, with the God Beyond All Gods. Such rapture can be

routinized through particular religious rituals and practices, as gnostics

did, so that the ecstatic experience of the God Beyond All Gods is the living

source of the Gnostic current. Whether we can explain it, ecstasy and

the transcendence of the self is what continually births Gnostic spirituality.

The ecstatic experience of an all-encompassing transcendent reality, a

source of being that is goodness and love, prompted many Gnostics to

seek religious truth beyond their ancestral and regional religions. Because

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