DeConick A.D

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So it is that we discover the rise in the popularity of initiatory rites

across the ancient religious landscape, shamanic mysteries of induction

ordained by priests for laypeople. This is most pronounced in the creation

of Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mystery religions that provided amateurs

with guided journeys to the otherworld. The purpose of such journeys

was twofold: first, to discover the path to the otherworld and to learn its

secrets; and second, to meet the god face-to-face in order to procure the

god’s friendship, affection, and favor for a better life both in the here and

now and in the hereafter.

To prepare for the otherworld journey, the initiate must be educated

about the otherworld and the kinds of dangers invasion poses. Usually, the

Other beings are not happy to see the invader. The human does not belong

there, so violence and threats against the invader are commonplace.

To prepare initiates for this harsh reception and to teach them how to

contend with the guardians of the otherworld who will block their way

to the god, long periods of study and concentrated oral instruction are

required. Memorization of required facts about the inhabitants of the

otherworld and the locations within it are standard fare. Thwarting spells,

prayers for assistance, and the names of the gods and their guardians are

learned by rote.

Devotion to the god is taught and rehearsed through repetitive prayers,

hymns, mythic performances, praises, and offerings. Fidelity to the god

includes vows of secrecy. There could be no disclosure to the uninitiated

about how to get to the god. That was considered top secret, meant only

for the god’s favorites, for those who managed to survive the harsh journey

and traumatic face-to-face meeting.

The body is always the central focus as it is prepared for the journey. To

destroy the body, the ancient people required that the initiate either abstain

from normal physical activities or transgress them in some way. Sex

was usually set aside, but not because the ancient people thought it was

sinful or impure. Rather, celibacy was demanded, often for long periods in

advance of initiation, to break down the normal functions of the human

body. To deny the human body its normal functions was to destroy it. The

same was true of food. Strict fasting procedures were set up for initiates,

so that their bodies would be denied what they normally would need to

survive as a human being.

Initiates would be forced to participate in physical exercise far more

strenuous than they might normally engage in, such as carrying a strug-

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