DeConick A.D

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their vision of the God within as the True Man, literally overthrew the

traditional gods and religious practices, especially rituals based on models

of appeasement, such as sacrifice. The severity of this inversion is such that

the element of transgression is enormous.

Imagine what this meant about the traditional gods. Who were the

Olympians? YHWH and his host of angels? Isis and Osiris? Marduk and

El? If the transcendent God was the source of all, including the human

spirit, then why were humans the servants of gods like Zeus, YHWH, or


The Gnostics were convinced that the traditional religious communities

had been duped by trickster gods who were really demons or fallen

angels. The traditional religions were fakes and their gods frauds. Without

even being aware of it, human beings were trapped in snares of cosmic

proportions that kept them locked in lifetime bondage to gods who actually

were capricious and malicious demons.

It was this inversion of the conventional religions that made the Gnostics

the enemies of the religiously faithful. What the Gnostics were saying

is that the gods of conventional worship, including the biblical God

YHWH, really are not gods but slaveholders who keep the truth of the

real God’s existence from us. We are not the property of the gods. We are

something far superior and more powerful. We are children of the holy

wholly Other, and the gods and their kings and priests can no longer trick

us into believing otherwise.

This, in fact, is what really upset Plotinus, the great philosopher of

Plato, about the Gnostic message. How audacious, Plotinus thought, that

the Gnostics go around telling people that because they are children of

God they are meant to be nobler than everything, including the gods.

The Gnostics said that the gods we have been worshipping since antiquity

are really the mortals, not us! The gods are mortal because they are not

God’s children. They do not contain his spirit. “You, without lifting a

hand,” the Gnostics preached, “are nobler than the very heavens” (Plotinus,

Ennead 2.9).

Imagine the reaction at the street level when the Gnostics started insisting

that the gods were not to be worshipped and feared. “We ought

to stop making sacrifices,” we can hear the Gnostics saying. “Why?” the

people would have asked. “Because we are God ourselves,” the Gnostics

would have responded. “We have been tricked by cruel deities to serve

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