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Paul and Gnostic Dogma

Bethany Sloane

Bethany Sloane is lying at home in bed, fitfully staring at the ceiling. She

hears a creaking floorboard and grabs a baseball bat from under her pillow.

She peers into the darkness, fanning her bat. Without warning, a violent

explosion of flame bursts forth at the foot of her bed. Alarmed, she stares

into the flames, trying to make out what is going on. She is frightened

by the outlines of a humanlike figure immersed in the flame (figure 4.1).

A booming voice erupts from the flames: “Behold the Metatron, herald

of the Almighty and voice of the One True God!”

Bethany does the only thing she can think of at that moment: she

jumps out of bed and returns momentarily with a fire extinguisher. She

blasts the flames and figure with white retardant, wielding the nozzle

like a pro. Metatron sputters and coughs as he drops to the floor and the

flames disperse.

Bethany yells out, stunned by his presence, “Who the fuck are you and

what the fuck are you doing in my room?!”

Metatron tells her that he is God’s voice, an angel of the highest order.

He unfurls his wings as proof. In disbelief, Bethany wants to know why

God can’t speak for himself. Metatron explains, “Human beings have neither

the aural nor the psychological capacity to withstand the awesome

power of God’s true voice. Were you to hear it, your mind would cave in

and your heart would explode within your chest. We went through five

Adams before we figured that one out.”

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