DeConick A.D

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active in Alexandria and combating the Gnostic interpretation of the Bible

with his own commentaries.

But the Sethians did not remain Gnostic Jews interpreting the Bible.

Their transgressive move to identify YHWH with demonic figures like

Samael, Nebruel, and Saklas left them vulnerable and unwelcome within

typical Jewish circles. This may be why the movement rapidly took on a

Christian identity, so that almost all of our Sethian texts now are framed

with Christian narrative and references.

Some Sethian communities, like the one that produced the infamous

Gospel of Judas, actually identified themselves as Christians—and as the

only true Christians, at that. They saw all other Christians as Jews living

under the deceitful rule of YHWH, who the Sethians call Ialdabaoth.

They thought it tragic that the false Christians centered their worship

around the actions of the demon Judas, who had been responsible for

the sacrifice of Jesus to YHWH, just as the New Testament Gospel stories

record. As my previous work on the Gospel of Judas (2009) supports they

thought that Judas’s evil deed had become the focus of a new sacrificial

cult that empowered Ialdabaoth. Because this cult centered its worship on

YHWH as Ialdabaoth, the Sethians considered it a false Christian cult that

was actually Jewish. As we will see in chapter 10, the Sethians argue that

the false Christians followed Judas as the leader of their new kingdom,

which was a new tribe of Israel, the thirteenth.

This understanding of Christianity is implicit in the Sethian book the

Apocalypse of Adam, which contains a very old hymn about the descent

of a redeemer angel to thirteen kingdoms (NHC V.5 77.27–82.20). In the

Jewish tradition, the angel Wisdom descends to earth and looks among

the nations for a place to lodge. Similarly, in this text a transcendent divinity

descends to thirteen kingdoms—the twelve tribes of Israel plus

Christianity, the thirteenth kingdom or New Israel—looking to select one

kingdom as his own. But he finds all of them inadequate. This powerful

divinity is born in each kingdom and brings with him water baptism for

their redemption, but none of the kingdoms responds.

Because of their unresponsiveness, the divinity elects another people as

his own: the kingless generation. These are the sons of Seth who accept

baptism from the great Sethian angels Micheu, Michar, and Mnesinous

in the name of the redeemer, Jesus of Nazareth, who is also known as

Jesus on the Right Hand. The Sethians who wrote this apocalypse clearly

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