DeConick A.D

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Most modern commentators have identified this figure with Satan. But

this identification is debatable, especially when we take into consideration

the passage in Ephesians in which Paul refers to the “archon of the power

of the air.” In this passage, Paul identifies the power of the air with the

spirit of wickedness that works in the hearts of disobedient people (Ephesians

2:1–2). If this figure is traditionally Satan, then who is Satan’s liege,

the archon who rules over him? Paul never tells us who or what he has in

mind. His remarks in his letters do not help us fill in all the details, but

it is clear that the demonic world Paul envisioned included many more

figures than Satan, and perhaps a separate world ruler who reigned over

Satan and the other fallen angels.

This worldview becomes even more interesting when we factor in Paul’s

position on the Jewish law. In Galatians, Paul is very clear that the law was

handed over to the Jews by angels through an intermediary who did not

represent the One God. This is very obvious in the Greek of Galatians 3:19

but is obscured in English translations because the literal meaning of the

Greek is not orthodox Paul by any stretch of the imagination. The Greek

simply reads, “Then why the law? Because of sins it was added.” Paul goes

on, “It was authorized by angels through an intermediary. The intermediary

is not from the One. God is One” (Galatians 3:19–20; my translation).

Paul never identifies the intermediary. Did he have in mind Moses, who

mediated the covenant according to Jewish scripture? Or one of the commissioning

angels he mentions? Whatever the case, Paul does not view

the law as something good that is ordained directly by YHWH (Romans

7:7–13). Instead, the law imprisoned sinners in a jail until Christ could

come to free them (Galatians 2:23; Romans 3:19).

The law identifies sinful behaviors so that the transgressors, like the

ancestors who worshipped the golden calf, can be identified and jailed

(Romans 1:22–25, 10:5–8). Because the law is made up of codes of righteousness

that are humanly impossible to keep, the law ends up binding

the Jews under the jurisdiction of the wicked elemental forces that rule

the universe (Galatians 4:3, 8–11; cf. Romans 8:2–3). Anyone bound to the

law is bound to break the law and, as a sinner, is bound to the power of

darkness and his demonic horde (Romans 3:9–18, 20, 8:2). So Paul writes

that the law does not make the Jews righteous. Rather, the law condemns

them and enslaves them to the forces of wickedness and death (Galatians

3:22; Romans 5:20–21; cf. Romans 4:15).

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