DeConick A.D

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humans generally—from their enslavement to the fallen angels who ruled

the world (Irenaeus, Against the Heresies 1.23.1, 3, 5).

The Simonians disparaged the Mosaic law, which they believed had

been created by the autocratic angels to perpetuate human enslavement

(Irenaeus, Against the Heresies 1.23.3; Hippolytus, Refutation 6.14; Epiphanius,

Panarion 21.4.5). As long as humans remained ignorant of the Father

and instead obeyed laws that made them servants to the fallen angels,

the spirit could not be released. The spirit remained bound to the bodies

and the world in which the fallen angels had incarcerated it.

It is easy to see how the new converts could have applied this mythology

of Simon to Jesus. The Simonians who were converted by the missionaries

from Jerusalem would have transferred large parts of their previous

religious conceptions about Simon to Jesus and would have reconfigured

the rest as they began constructing the foundational mythology of

Johan nine Christianity. Or, to put it another way, they would have come

to understand Jesus by adjusting Simon’s frame. This reframing of Jesus

became the basis for their new Christian community. The understanding

of Jesus as prophet and Messiah, preached by the Jerusalem missionaries,

was blended with the Simonian Gnostic mythology of a universal savior,

the Son sent to earth from a distant, unknown Father to overcome the

sinister forces that had enslaved the human spirit and now ruled the world

with shrewd laws.

The fourth Gospel shows us how a particular Christian community was

founded. It all started in a Samaritan village, when a small team from the

Jerusalem church established a mission among the Simonians who lived

there. According to the book of Acts, the mission was established very

early in the history of Christianity, not even a decade after Jesus’ death.

These new converts were not blank slates. They already had preconceptions

of their world as a hostile place controlled by fallen angels who

had imprisoned God’s spirit within the human body. The teachings about

Jesus the prophet and Messiah, which they received from the Jerusalem

missionaries, were blended into their preestablished Gnostic frame of the

superman, the powerful miracle worker and healer who was God’s son,

sent to reveal the unknown Father and redeem the human spirit, which

was a piece of God trapped in a dark world. This is how, in the fourth

Gospel, the prophet and Messiah Jesus becomes God incarnate. In many

ways, it is a game of Simon Says.

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