DeConick A.D

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other: the spirit has ruptured into the celestial and earthly realms; psychic

stuff has been embodied in matter.

At the personal level, the human being becomes the natural locus of

all three dimensions. The spirit is the deep, intuitive self, unconscious and

unaware until it is awakened. The soul is the deluded ego with its rational,

moral, and emotional aspects. Finally, there is the matter of the physical

body, which is, well, material.

The human being’s religious response is defined by these three dimensions

as well. Here we find ourselves on the social level. The Gnostic response

makes the person a pneumatic (spiritual) Christian. The Apostolic

Catholic response makes the person a psychic (soulish) Christian. Rejection

of Christianity casts one into the hylic (material) category.

The Valentinians matched each of these social categories with one of

Adam’s sons from the Genesis account. Seth, the faultless child, symbolized

the pneumatics. Abel, the morally upright son, represented the psychics.

Cain, the immoral one, signified the hylics (Irenaeus, Against the

Heresies 1.7.5).

Given this typology, it is not difficult to predict that the Valentinians

would begin thinking about whether the nature of individual humans was

predetermined, whether certain people were fashioned from the get-go in

such a way that their social category was foreordained. The Valentinians

operated from the assumption that all humans comprise all three aspects

naturally, but that the condition of the soul would determine the person’s

social classification. If the person was morally substantive and converted

to Apostolic Catholic Christianity, the psychic category fit. If the person

became a Gnostic or advanced Christian, the pneumatic category fit. If

the person was immoral and rejected the Christian message, the hylic category


Heracleon and the Samaritan Woman at the Well

So the question was not whether certain people had spirits and other

people only had souls. This would have been absurd to the Valentinians.

The question was whether a person’s soul could be born in such a corrupted

state that it could do nothing but be immoral and unresponsive

and reject Jesus. And the flip side of the question was whether a person’s

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