DeConick A.D

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They fear his great intelligence and his obvious superiority. So they throw

him down from the heavens into the lowest realms of matter, on earth.

This descent into matter subdues Adam and wipes away his memory of

his true identity. The rulers further distract him with the pleasures of food

and sex with his wife, Eve. This is how Adam and Eve become the servants

of Ialdabaoth in the Garden of Eden, crippled by the kryptonic trappings

of physical existence.

Stealth Sethian Superpowers

The rest of the interpretation of the history of humankind is portrayed as

a struggle between the monster Ialdabaoth and the supreme God, over

the luminous spirit embedded in the human soul. Ialdabaoth wants to

keep it within his creation because possessing it empowers him to enslave

humans. The supreme God wants it back. This means that the supreme

God must send emissaries incognito to alert humans to their plight. These

are stealth Sethian superpowers who travel down through the realms of

existence, from the world of the supreme God to the world of Ialdabaoth,

to fight him.

The Sethian superpowers are very much like Superman and Superwoman,

who disguise themselves as weak human beings. The Sethian emissaries

are divine entities that belong to the world of the supreme God.

As they descend, they take on bodies appropriate to the realms through

which they pass. These bodies help them blend in so that their descent

is hidden from the eyes of Ialdabaoth and his lieutenants, who suspect

nothing until it is too late.

In Sethian mythology, the supreme God is conceived as a hermaphrodite.

This hermaphrodite all-lord is known as the Father God and the

Invisible Spirit. In the Sethian stories about the origin of the world, the

first thing to happen is one of the only things that a solitary numinous

being can do: he thinks about himself.

His first thought about himself manifests as the hermaphrodite Mother

God, who is known by the name Barbelo. As an overflow or extension of

the father, Barbelo is also called the First Man. Barbelo embodies God’s

thoughts. She is his Protennoia (Forethought), his Ennoia (Thought),

and his Epinoia (Afterthought). She generates foreknowledge, indestructibility,

eternal life, and truth.

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