DeConick A.D

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the Latin West. Their writings were “good reads” for Christians over the

centuries. Believing that they were soldiering against the spread of Gnosticism,

these authors probably never realized that their attacks only preserved

Gnosticism and redistributed Gnostic spirituality into the religious

buffer and our communal consciousness every time their condemnations

were picked up and reread. It is likely that the literature written by the

opponents of the Gnostics did more for the survival of Gnostic spirituality

over the centuries than it did for its destruction.

The other texts to mention are the Gospel of John and the letters of

Paul. As we have seen, these texts are advocates of Gnostic spirituality. To

suppress their Gnostic sensibilities and domesticate the texts, the leaders

of the Apostolic Catholic church imposed strict, orthodox interpretations

on them, which were successfully marketed as the “natural” way to

read John and Paul. This successful reinterpretation of the texts enabled

the leaders of the Catholic church to canonize the Gospel of John and the

letters of Paul within the New Testament.

However, because the interpretation is the only thing controlling the

Gnostic spirituality embedded within these texts, the fourth Gospel and

the letters of Paul are Trojan horses. They await readers who either don’t

know or don’t care about the orthodox interpretation. When these readers

engage John or Paul, the door in the Trojan horse opens up and they

are confronted with Gnostic spirituality head-on.

Gnostic Awakenings

This brief chapter is not the place to map the complex movement of Gnostic

spirituality from antiquity to the present. Nonetheless, explicit Gnostic

renaissances have taken place when actual literature written by Gnostics

has resurfaced. These accidents of history have reengaged Gnosticism in

very public and profound ways. These awakenings have been instrumental

in the survival of Gnostic spirituality and its ever-widening distribution, as

it has been reframed over and over again to meet the needs and interests

of new generations of religious people.

There are four such Gnostic awakenings that we can mention. The

first awakening probably took place in the medieval period, evident in the

emergence of the groups we know of as the Paulicians, Bogomils, and

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