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STUDIEREEKS 22 350<br />

EEn onDERzoEK naaR valoRISaTIE In DE hUmanE En SocIalE wETEnSchappEn<br />

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• Soete, L. et al. (2007), Eindrapport Expertgroep voor de Doorlichting van het Vlaams<br />

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• SSHRC (2004a), Annual Report 2003-2004. Social Sciences and Humanities<br />

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• SSHRC (2005), Knowledge Council: Strategic Plan 2006–2011. Ottawa: Social<br />

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• SSHRC (2007b), Framing Our Direction. Ottawa: Social Sciences and Humanities<br />

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• Stuart, T.E. & Ding, W.W. (2006), ‘When do scientists become entrepreneurs?<br />

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• Academy of Finland (2007), Civilisation cannot be imported. Researcher commen-<br />

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• Van de Wettering, C. (2008), ‘Alfa’s zoeken gehoor in bestuurlijk Den Haag’ PM,<br />

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• Van Looy, B., Debackere K. & Andries P. (2003), ‘Policies to stimulate regional<br />

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• Van Looy, B., Landoni, P., Callaert, J., van Pottelsberghe, B., Sapsalis, E., & Debac-<br />

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