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f) Deve ser prepara<strong>da</strong> a planilha <strong>de</strong> estratificação <strong>da</strong>s per<strong>da</strong>s, para ca<strong>da</strong> máquina, <strong>com</strong> o<<strong>br</strong> />

objetivo <strong>de</strong> i<strong>de</strong>ntificar as o<strong>por</strong>tuni<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> melhoria e toma<strong>da</strong> <strong>de</strong> ações.<<strong>br</strong> />

g) O ciclo máquina a ser adotado no cálculo <strong>da</strong> performance <strong>de</strong>ve ser o <strong>de</strong> Engenharia.<<strong>br</strong> />

h) Para representar o OEE <strong>de</strong> uma <strong>de</strong>termina<strong>da</strong> linha <strong>de</strong> produtos ou <strong>da</strong> fá<strong>br</strong>ica, <strong>de</strong>ve-se<<strong>br</strong> />

adotar o menor valor entre as operações em que é aplicado o cálculo.<<strong>br</strong> />

Exemplo <strong>de</strong> cálculo do indicador OEE:<<strong>br</strong> />

( A ) - Tempo operacional programado: 480 min.<<strong>br</strong> />

( B ) - Tempo operacional disponível: 375 min.<<strong>br</strong> />

( C ) - Total <strong>de</strong> peças produzi<strong>da</strong>s: 318 un.<<strong>br</strong> />

( D ) - Total <strong>de</strong> peças refuga<strong>da</strong>s/retrabalha<strong>da</strong>s: 2 un.<<strong>br</strong> />

( E ) - Número <strong>de</strong> ocorrências <strong>de</strong> que<strong>br</strong>a / falha: 1<<strong>br</strong> />

( F ) - Tempo <strong>de</strong> que<strong>br</strong>a / falha: 20 min.<<strong>br</strong> />

( TC ) - Tempo <strong>de</strong> Ciclo I<strong>de</strong>al: 1,16 min.<<strong>br</strong> />

Sendo:<<strong>br</strong> />

Disponibili<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> (%) = ( B / A ) x 100 = ( 375 / 480 ) x 100 = 78,1 %<<strong>br</strong> />

Performance (%) = [(TC x C ) / B ] x100 = [(1,16 x 318 ) / 375 ] x 100 = 98,4%<<strong>br</strong> />

Quali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> (%) = [( C - D ) / C ] x 100 = [( 318 - 2 ) / 318] x 100 = 99,4 %<<strong>br</strong> />

OEE Interno (%) = (Disponibili<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong> x Quali<strong>da</strong><strong>de</strong>) /100 = (78,1 x 99,4 ) / 100 = 77,6%<<strong>br</strong> />

OEE Global (%) = (OEE Interno x Performance) / 100 = (77,6 x 98,4) / 100 = 76,4%<<strong>br</strong> />

A seguir, na Equação 03, vemos o cálculo do tempo médio para reparo (MTTR).<<strong>br</strong> />

Tempo <strong>de</strong> que<strong>br</strong>a ou falha<<strong>br</strong> />

MTTR = --------------------------------------------------------------<<strong>br</strong> />

Número <strong>de</strong> ocorrências <strong>de</strong> que<strong>br</strong>a ou falha<<strong>br</strong> />

Equação 03: Cálculo <strong>de</strong> indicador MTTR<<strong>br</strong> />


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