KAZı SONUÇLARI - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

KAZı SONUÇLARI - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

KAZı SONUÇLARI - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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the exception of two Be<strong>ve</strong>lled Rim Bowls fragments from phase 20. What is also missingis painted Early Bronze Age pottery similar to Kurban Höyük LV (with the exceptionof one sherd in phase 20). We are not sure if such an older material is present atŞavi Höyük i. It seems equally possible that at least the two Uruk sherds might be heirloomsfrom Şavi Höyük ii. The same ho/ds true for Halaf material found at the site in1999 9 .Concerning Şavi ii to VII the following remarks can be made: Şavi II-IV are definedby gra<strong>ve</strong>s, cut in the natural rock, possibly of Early Bronze- and/or Middle BronzeAge date, but which are today completely robbed out. The gra<strong>ve</strong>s of Şavi V see mto belong to Şavi VI a huge höyük of the Iate Helienistic to Roman period and e<strong>ve</strong>n alittle bit IateriO. The gra<strong>ve</strong>s of Şavi VII are possibly of the same date as those of Şaviıı-ıv.On the lower terrace of Şavi II a settlement, perhaps of the Hellenistic-Romanperiod once existed. It has been completely le<strong>ve</strong>lled, according to the villagers, in themid-sixties by bulldozer activities.Coming to the historical implications of the results of our excavatians, the followingpreliminary remarks can be added:Since datable smail finds are suspicious by their absence, all reasoning must bebased on pottery analysis alone. In this respect it is fortunate that i had the chance in1988-89 to conduct excavations on behalf of the FU-Berlin at Assur, the old Assyriancapital in Northern -Iraq. In a deep trench, called CTS we obtained a sequence of phases,which date from the end of the Ur III period to the end of the Old-Assyrian period.Based on pottery comparanda with Şavi Höyük 11 1, the following preliminary pictureemerges:The Transitional period, equal to our phases 16-14 has to be dated within theearlier part of the first phase of the Old Assyrian penodt-, possibly earlier than KarumKanish II and Erishum i.Şavi i, phases 11a - 10 correspond well with the beginning of a succession oflayers in Assur which ha<strong>ve</strong> Habur-pottery (what cannot be dated earlier than Shamshi-Addu,as far as we know today13) and must therefore be roughly contemporaneouswith the Karum Kanish IB phase.That means Şavi I, phases 13-11b reflect the Karum Kanish II trade including the<strong>ve</strong>ry short gap between Karum Kanish II andlB.Şavi I, 9 has alteady strong Late Bronze Age elements in its pottery, which otherwiseis stili in the Middle Bronze Age tradition. With some probability this phase canbe connected with the activities of the Old Hittite Kings in North-Syria, Le. the time ofHattushili 1., Murshili i. or Hantili 11 4 .These military activities of the Hittites are perhaps responsible for the almostcomplete lack of Late Bronze Age settlements on the east border of the Euphrates ina region south from the Atatürk- to the Carchemish-dam.9 R. Dittmann et aL. 2001 : 244, PI. 1,1. We had the idea that this older material might perhaps be part of an older Tepeco<strong>ve</strong>red by a younger höyük, similar to Lidar Höyük, where an older selllement, dating from Halaf- to the Uruk period,was almost completely co<strong>ve</strong>red Irom the Euphrates side by a selllement starting only in the Early Bronze Age.Se<strong>ve</strong>ral robbery trencnes on the northern, north-eastern and easlern side of Şavi Höyük i ha<strong>ve</strong> been examined totest this hypothesis. The material lound was absolute idenlical with the one from the excavated south-western slopeand at the same heighl.10 The material ol Şavi Vi will be published by E. Lafli.11 For the excavations in Assur in 1988-89 see R. Diltmann 1990 and 1992 and R. Dillmann and P. Larsen 1997. ThePottery comparanda will be published in a lorthcoming dissertation about the early pottery ol Assur by C. SchmidL.For the moment my arguments are based on a preliminary catalogue of this material by R. Lamprichs 1995; also thephase-designations lor the CTS-sounding at Assur are preliminary.12 See my lorthcoming contribution: A Glimpse at the History of Şavi Höyük I, in: P. Malthiae et aL. n.d.13 For the dale of Habur-Ware see B. Hrouda 1989.14 For the activities of the Old Hillile kings see H. Klengel1992: 80-83.249

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