KAZı SONUÇLARI - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

KAZı SONUÇLARI - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

KAZı SONUÇLARI - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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One should examine the quite large number of höyüks, that can be found in abeit starting after 3-5 km. east of the ri<strong>ve</strong>r-shore in this part of the Euphrates, teachinqas far as the viiiage of Onbirnisan on the road connecting Gaziantep and Şanlıurfa. iam quite convinced that these sites ha<strong>ve</strong> a prominent Late Bronze Age occupation, beingout of the immediate range of the Hittite activities, which following the Euphratessouthwards, were more interested in the Amorite and Hurrian kingdoms of Northern­Syria. This hypothesis should be tested by sur<strong>ve</strong>ying the hinterland of the east shoreof the Euphrates between the Atatürk- and the Carchemish-dam.These hostilities of the Hittites brought obviously an end to the settlement activitiesat Şavi Höyük i. E<strong>ve</strong>ntually within the Neo-Assyrian period, in the gm centuryB.C., the site was re-settled on a smail scale 15 .BIBLlOGRAPHYALGAZE, G. et aL. 1994: G. ALGAZE, R. BREUNINGER AND J. KNUDSTAD, The Tigris-EuphratesArchaeological Reconnaissance Project: Final Report of the Birecikand Carchemish Dam Sur<strong>ve</strong>y Areas, Anatolica XX, 1994: 1-96.DITTMANN, R. 1990: Ausgrabungen der Freien Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsitat Berlin in Assur und Kar-Tukulti-Ninurtallraqin den Jahren 1986-89, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft122,1990: 157-171.DITTMANN, R. 1992: Assur and Kar-Tukulti-Ninurta, Seasons of 1986, 1988 und 1989, AmericanJournal of Archaeology 96: 1992: 307-312.DITTMANN, R. and P. LARSEN 1997: Eine aıtassyrische Siegelabrollung aus Assur (FU-Berlin,Kampagne 1989), in: H. WAETZOLD, H. HAUPTMANN (Hrsg.), Assyrienim Wandel der Zeiten, Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient 6, Heldelberg1997:247-250.DITTMANN, R. et aL. 2001 : R. DITTMANN, Ch. GREWE, S. HUH anq C. ŞCHMIDT, Report ona S\Jr<strong>ve</strong>y at Şavi Höyük, 1999, in: N. TUNA, J. OZTURK and J. VELI BE­YOGLU (eds.), Salvage Project of the Archaeological Heritage of the Ilısuand Carchemish Dam Reservoirs Activities in 1999, Ankara 2001: 252-26.DITTMANN, R. et aL. 2001a: R. DITTMANN, CH. GREWE, S. HUH and C. SCHMIDT, Berichfüber einen Sur<strong>ve</strong>y des Şavi Höyük im Gebiet des Kargemiş-Stausees, Südost-Türket1999, in: R.M. BOEHMER, J. MARAN, Lux Orientis. Archaologiezwischen Asien und Europa, Festschrift tür Harald Hauptmann, RahdenIWestf.2001: 97-111.DITTMANN, R.et aL. n.d.: R. DITTMANN, S. HUH, TH. MITSCHANG, E~ MÜLLER, U. RÖTT­GER, C. SCHMIDT and D. WICKE, Report on the Firq~ Campaign of Excavatignsat Şavi Höyük in 2000, in: N. TUNA, J. OZTURK and J. VELI BE­YOGLU (eds.), Salvage Project of the Archaeological Heritage of the Ilısuand Carchemish Dam Reservoirs Activities in 2000 (in the press).DORNEMANN, R. 1978: Teli Hadidi: A Bronze Age City on the Euphrates, Archaeology 31, 1978:20-26.DORNEMANN, R. 1979: Teli Hadidi; A Millennium of Bronze Age City Occupation, Annual of theAmerican Schools of Oriental Research 44, 1979: 113-51.DORNEMANN, R. 1988: Teli Hadidi: One Bronze Age Site Among Many in the Tabqa Dam SalvageArea, Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research 270,1988: 13-42.15 We know, that Shalmaneser III was acti<strong>ve</strong> in the region (Klengel1992: 217). As lar as our pottery is concemed, it seemsto date later than the 9\h century B.C. On lirst impression it lits well with the time ol Tiglath-pilesar onwards (Iorthe historlcal e<strong>ve</strong>nts see Klengel 1992: 222-225). On the dilliculties to date Iran Age pottery see the dillerent contributionsin A. Hausleiter and A. Reiche 1999.250

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