KAZı SONUÇLARI - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

KAZı SONUÇLARI - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı

KAZı SONUÇLARI - Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı


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THE UPPER TIGRIS ARCHAEOLOGICAlRESEARCH PROJECT (UTARP):AN OVERVIEW OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCHCONDUCTED AT KENAN TEPE DURINGTHE 2001 FIELD SEASONBrad/ey J. PARKER*Andrew CREEKMORELynn Swartz 0000Richard PA/NEMeg ABRAHAMDuring the summer of 2001 members of the Upper Tigris Archaeological ResearchProject (UTARP) conducted a second season of archaeological research at thesite of Kenan Tepe in the Ilısu dam area of southeastern Turkey. The site of Kenan Tepelies on a rock outcrop o<strong>ve</strong>rloaking the Tigris Ri<strong>ve</strong>r about twenty kilometers west ofthe confluence of the Tigris and Batman ri<strong>ve</strong>rs (Fig. 1'). During the course of the eightweek field season, which took place between June 21st and August 24th, 2001 iUTARP team members conducted various operations in se<strong>ve</strong>n areas of the site.UTARP team members alsa positioned the site on the Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsal Trans<strong>ve</strong>rse Mercator(UTM) world grid, made a high-resolution topographic map (Fig. 2), took nearly 2000digital photographs, continued to de<strong>ve</strong>lop a method of making trench maps using digitalirnaqes, and perfected our database which now contains all of the data collected du-Dr. Bradley J. PARKER (Assistant Professor, Project Director), Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of Utah, Department of History, 380 S. 1400E. Rm. 211, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, A.BDAndrew CREEKMORE, Northwestem Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity, A.B.DDr. Lynn Swartz DODD, (Assistant Protessor) Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of Southerrı Califomia, A.BDDr. Richard Paine, (Associate Professor) Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of utarı A.BD.Meg ABRAHAM, Oxtord Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity, iNGiLTERE.Our team was made up of Bradley Parker (Director), Andrew Creekmore (Assistant Director), Richard Paine (Ostlologist),Lynn Swartz Dodd (Ceramic Specialist), Chiara Cavallo (Zooarchaeologist), Cathryn Meegan (ArchaeolobotanicalSpecialist), Peter Cobb (Computer Specialist), Drew McGaraghan (Photographer/Artist), Michaelle Stikich (Videographer),Debbie Dillie (Field Lab Manager), Elvan Baştürk (Translator), Barış Uzel (Draftsman), Chris Maan,Dawnell Somerville-Moon, Marco Baldi, Brian Bingham, Robert Sinnot, Jonathan Schnereger, Greer Rabicca, EleanorMoseman, Kathryn Smith, Andrew Ugan, Amy Ste<strong>ve</strong>ns and Sibel Torpil.Archaeological research is always a collaborati<strong>ve</strong> effort. We owe a great debt of gratitude to many people and institutionsfor helping us make the UPPerTigris Archaeological Research Project (UTARP) a reality. We are especially indebtedto Numan Tuna and Necdet ınal for their assistance to us in Turkey. The 2001 field season was funded by generousgrants from the National Geographic Society, the American Research Institute in Turkeyand the Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity ofUtah, the Curtiss T. and Mary G. Brennan Foundation, the Uni<strong>ve</strong>rsity of Southem Califomia and the National ScienceFoundation. Debbie Dilley, Katie Smith and Drew McGaraghan aided us in the preparalion of the Fig.s in thisreport.1

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