16.01.2013 Aufrufe

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace


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Range of damage,<br />

amount of loss<br />

Who is responsible<br />

Legal and/or public<br />

action taken<br />

fisher-folk.<br />

Surface water sources – streams, ponds, wetlands and soil have<br />

been continuously poisoned with Endosulfan and derivatives, DDT<br />

and metabolites and BHC, some of the various toxic chemicals that<br />

are released into the effluent stream 121 .<br />

Deformation has been noticed on certain plants growing by the<br />

effluent stream. The community has also noticed a serious decline<br />

in the population of frogs, fishes, benthic species and some<br />

insects 122 .<br />

Higher incidences of cancer and decrease in lifespan have been<br />

recorded in the areas of immediate contamination 123 .<br />

Preliminary observations suggest that there is a large incidence of<br />

various types of cancer, miscarriage, congenital defects, tympanum<br />

membrane bursts in children, menstrual problems, skin diseases and<br />

respiratory problems in the local population 124 . 80% of the people<br />

are suffering from respiratory diseases according to a local university<br />

(University College- Alwaye) study 125 .<br />

A population of about 20,000 people is directly affected by the<br />

stream that has also contaminated wetlands, water sources, public<br />

stream, vegetation, domestic animals – cows, ducks etc. A<br />

population of at least 100,000 people could be potentially exposed to<br />

these persistent organic pollutants and another one million indirectly<br />

from pollutants migrated into water, soil and through eating fish. The<br />

air and the water of the community are potentially permanently<br />

contaminated 126 .<br />

As a producer of dangerous POPs pesticides, Hindustan Insecticides<br />

Ltd. is responsible for their products and for their highly inadequate<br />

treatment, emissions and discharge into public utility water bodies,<br />

thus causing injure to the surrounding communities and environment.<br />

HIL has violated people’s right to clean air, water and life. The<br />

company also violated the community’s Right to Information and<br />

refuses to comply with the standards, stipulated by Indian law.<br />

Kerala State Pollution Control Board shares responsibility for<br />

allowing the factory to continue operation, despite the fact that their<br />

own analysis has detected contamination in the effluent.<br />

Letters demanding information on process, operation, raw materials<br />

used, contaminants etc were sent by public and the company<br />

refused to share information.<br />

The local community performed a direct action on 20 January, 2002,<br />

and closed the outlet point of the effluent where it reaches the public<br />

121 Testimonies of local residents gathered by <strong>Greenpeace</strong> with support from VJ Jose (active volunteer), 2002.<br />

122 Ibid.<br />

123 A study by Ms. Preethi, Preliminary survey – Study yet to be published<br />

124 See footnote 5<br />

125 Health Survey Report – Department of Economics, The University College, Alwaye.<br />

126 op cit Toxic Hotspots,1999<br />


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