16.01.2013 Aufrufe

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace


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Subsequent<br />

behaviour of company<br />

and governments attention. Public campaigns included exhibitions,<br />

films, slide shows, road-side talks, education booklets, bit notices,<br />

banners, posters and protests, campaign visits and sit-ins.<br />

There have not been any initiatives for compensation. PCK has<br />

outright rejected that their Endosulfan spraying as cause of damage<br />

and refuses to acknowledge that the area and people have been<br />

contaminated. The financial state of the company is bad and they<br />

use this as an excuse for continuing the Endosulfan spray.<br />

PCK spent nearly commissioned and fabricated an analysis report<br />

showing that Endosulfan was not present. The company spent nearly<br />

INR 1 million on the study, then passed this report to the Pesticide<br />

Manufacturers to launch a campaign to protect the chemical. The<br />

company put continuous pressure on political parties and<br />

government arguing that export earnings from cashew were in<br />

jeopardy. Press conferences and misinformation campaign<br />

defended their use of Endosulfan.<br />

In fact, PCK has been indifferent to the communities and the<br />

environment, violating the Insecticides Act, The EPA, and Labour<br />

laws. Legal counteraction by the company through defending the<br />

cases with total lies, extending to self-contradictions and attempting<br />

to misguide the court and the government prosecutors. This had<br />

delayed court proceedings 136 .<br />

Legal outcome The lower courts (Munsiff Courts) have temporarily stopped aerial<br />

spraying and use of Endosulfan. The High Court hearing of the case<br />

has yet to begin. While the legal moves have exposed many hidden<br />

violations before the court and the public, the proceedings of the<br />

court have been generally slow.<br />

Final <strong>Greenpeace</strong><br />

statement<br />

136 Interview with THANAL/ ESPAC researchers.<br />

This case clearly establishes the fact that not only privately owned<br />

multinational corporations but also State owned ones like the<br />

Plantation Corporation of Kerala require to be made liable and<br />

accountable to the public by an international instrument.<br />


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