16.01.2013 Aufrufe

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace


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Royal Dutch Shell Group (Global)<br />

Company details Royal Dutch Shell Group<br />

Chairman of the Committee of Managing Directors<br />

Philip Watts<br />

President of Royal Dutch Petroleum Company<br />

Vice Chairman of the Committee of Managing Directors<br />

J. van der Veer<br />

Carel Van Bylandtlaan 30<br />

The Hague, 2596<br />

The Netherlands<br />

Tel: +31-70-377-9111<br />

Shell Centre<br />

York Road<br />

London SE1 7NA<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Tel: +44-20-7934-1234<br />

Company activity Shell Chemicals started production of the “drins” (endrin, dieldrin and<br />

aldrin) in 1952 - ending completely in 1990. During this time Shell<br />

was almost the only producer in the world.<br />

Type of incident - Dumping of waste and emissions of drins during production<br />

- Exposure of people to drins through agricultural use and<br />

contaminated food<br />

- Exposure to drins as result of stockpiles of obsolete pesticides<br />

including drins<br />

Type of damage As a result of drin production in Pernis, the Netherlands, river<br />

sediments, residential areas and several dumpsites were severely<br />

polluted 140 .<br />

The production of drins by Shell in the US at the Rocky Mountain<br />

Arsenal has also lead to a huge pollution scandal. Leaking basins<br />

and pipes have contaminated 70 square kilometres of land 141 .<br />

The pollution caused by the Shell drins producing plant in La<br />

Paulínia, Brazil, is described in another case in this report 142 .<br />

Exposure of people to drins has led to many intoxications and<br />

deaths. Many incidents have been reported, for example the<br />

consumption of bread made from endrin-contaminated flour that<br />

affected at least 936 people and caused 26 deaths 143 .<br />

140 Verboden drins maken nog steeds slachtoffers, Rene Didde, Volkskrant, 27 oktober 1990<br />

141 http://www.pmrma-www.army.mil/htdocs/cleanup/clnfrm.html<br />

142 Contamination in Paulinia by aldrin, dieldrin, endrin and other toxic chemicals produced and disposed of by shell<br />

chemicals of Brazil, Karen Suassuna, <strong>Greenpeace</strong> Brazil, 2001<br />

143 Chlorine and the environment, Ruth Stringer and Paul Johnston, <strong>Greenpeace</strong> Research Laboratories, University of<br />

Exeter, UK, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 2001<br />

144 Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) (1999): “Obsolete Pesticides - Problems, Prevention and Disposal”<br />

and “POPs in Africa”, Andreas Bernstorff and Kevin Stairs, <strong>Greenpeace</strong> Germany, 2001<br />


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