16.01.2013 Aufrufe

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace


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Range of damage,<br />

amount of loss<br />

because the Bt (Bacillus Thuringiensis) Cry9C gene it contains could<br />

trigger allergic reactions in consumers 200 . The EPA only allowed<br />

StarLink to be grown and used in technical processes or in animal<br />

feed.<br />

This GE maize should certainly not have been grown and allowed to<br />

enter the environment and food chain at all.<br />

The StarLink contamination illustrates the difficulty of keeping GE<br />

and conventional grains separate. The reasons include crosspollination,<br />

contaminated machinery and commingling during<br />

processing.<br />

Besides the possibility that StarLink might cause allergies to<br />

humans, scientists and environmentalists have pointed out that<br />

engineering Bt into maize, cotton and other crops and releasing them<br />

into the environment could lead to insects developing a resistance to<br />

Bt, impacts on populations of non-target organisms and the creation<br />

of superweeds.<br />

The StarLink case created chaos in the US food and grain industry<br />

and hurt American farm exports.<br />

A few days after the contamination was made public, tens of millions<br />

of Taco Bell taco shells were voluntarily recalled by their<br />

manufacturer, Kraft Foods. StarLink maize was subsequently<br />

discovered in Safeway and Western Family brands taco shells and<br />

Kellogg’s Morningstar brand corn dogs, prompting more recalls from<br />

grocery stores. Altogether, 300 kinds of taco shells, tortillas, chips<br />

and tostadas have been recalled from US grocery stores and<br />

restaurants because of StarLink contamination.<br />

Several companies temporarily halted milling operations after<br />

StarLink was found in their facilities. Kellogg’s, for instance, was<br />

forced to shut down production at one of its US cereal plants.<br />

Even though StarLink was grown on less than one percent of US<br />

maize fields, the harvested maize was mixed with vast quantities of<br />

other maize and millions of bushels were commingled into the food<br />

chain.<br />

The maize also turned up in Japan - the top foreign buyer of US<br />

maize - where this GE maize has no approval for use as food or<br />

animal feed. Costs of US maize exports to Japan increased due to<br />

the additional testing and handling costs. In 2001, Japanese imports<br />

of US maize fell by about 1.3 million metric tons due to the StarLink<br />

issue 201 .<br />

The recall of StarLink GE maize cost companies all along the food<br />

chain – from grain elevators and food processors to grocery stores –<br />

200 The US EPA has two stated reasons for worrying about potential allergenicity of cry9C : stability to heat denaturation and<br />

resistance to enzymatic digestion; characteristics that are not common to the other Cry proteins used to date. Moreover,<br />

because cry9C is not one of the Bts that's been commonly used as topical insecticides for the last two decades, there is no<br />

circumstantial evidence of safety.<br />

201 USDA, Japan Grain and Feed Annual report, 29 March 2002.<br />


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