16.01.2013 Aufrufe

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace


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Plantation Corporation of Kerala (PCK) (Kottayam, Kerala, India)<br />

COMPANY DETAILS Plantation Corporation of Kerala (PCK)<br />

Kottayam<br />

Kerala<br />

India<br />

Fully owned Public Sector Undertaking of the Government of Kerala.<br />

CEO : Managing Director (appointed by the Government of Kerala)<br />

Location of damage Kasaragod District, Kerala State, India.<br />

Company activity Pesticide Application: The method used for application has been<br />

aerial spraying. Spraying was done more than twice a year in<br />

recommended concentrations without following the basic precaution<br />

of covering all drinking water sources of the local population, a total<br />

violation of the conditions of licensing and failing to protect people<br />

and properties from being exposed. The Government appointed<br />

committee also observed that the PCK neither followed the<br />

recommendations or the precautionary measures.<br />

Type of incident Aerial spraying of the persistent toxic chemical, Endosulfan over a<br />

densely populated area intended only for agricultural reasons.<br />

Type of damage Surface water sources such as tanks, streams, ponds and soil have<br />

been continuously poisoned with Endosulfan. Very high residues of<br />

pesticide have been reported to be found in the drinking water<br />

sources and soil. None of the drinking water sources, including<br />

wells, were protected, contrary to the conditions of licensing.<br />

Cashew, Non-target Vegetables, leaves and other crops were also<br />

contaminated. High residues were reported in cashew, vegetables,<br />

pepper, cashew leaves 127 .<br />

Death of bees, foxes, cows, buffalo and congenital deformation in<br />

domestic cattle have been observed. The community has also<br />

noticed serious declines in populations of frogs, bees, some insects<br />

and birds 128 . Very high residues were reported in butter, cows milk,<br />

cows fat, live frog 129 .<br />

Workers received no safety measures or protective clothing. They<br />

suffered violations of human and workers rights, forced into silence<br />

by disciplinary action and harassment 130 . The community has been<br />

exposed to the pesticides and breathing difficulties and eye<br />

afflictions reported. Children reported vomiting, dizziness at school.<br />

Effects continued from three days to months 131 .<br />

Chronic illnesses such as cancer, congenital anomalies,<br />

127 Pesticide Residue Monitoring Study, Pollution Monitoring Laboratory, Centre for Science and Environment:CSE, January<br />

2001.<br />

128 Long Term Monitoring – LMIPPE Part II Report, Thanal Conservation Action & Information Network ), February 2002.<br />

129 Op cit, CSE, January,2001.<br />

130 Op cit, Thanal,February,2002.<br />

131 Testimonies by the Endosulfan affected community,ESPAC, Kasargod, 2002.<br />

132 Report of the Fact-finding team, Pesticide Action Network – Asia Pacific, 2002<br />

133 op cit CSE,January,2001.<br />


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