16.01.2013 Aufrufe

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace


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Range of damage,<br />

amount of loss<br />

Legal and/or public<br />

action taken<br />

Subsequent<br />

behaviour of company<br />

Large quantities of expired, prohibited and unwanted drins are in<br />

storage world-wide 144 . In many cases the storage facilities are<br />

inadequate and packaging of the drins are in a very bad condition.<br />

Exposure of workers, local communities and the environment to<br />

these very toxic pesticides cannot be excluded and accidents with<br />

these old pesticides can easily happen.<br />

The range of damage as result of the production of drins in the<br />

Netherlands 145 and the US 146 has been very high. Costly remedial<br />

measures have been going on for 20 years.<br />

The amount of loss for other effects of drins (contamination in Brazil,<br />

intoxication and exposure of and cleanup of stockpiles) has not been<br />

clearly identified.<br />

Shell has been held liable for clean up during the 1980s in both the<br />

US and the Netherlands. In the Netherlands Shell successfully<br />

defended itself against a liability claim by the Dutch government.<br />

Removal of contamination has been largely paid for by the Dutch<br />

government 147 .<br />

In the Rocky Mountain Arsenal case Shell had to pay a part of the<br />

costs for clean up 148 . No known legal actions have been taken after<br />

the exposure of people to drins. The cases of safe removal of<br />

existing stockpiles of drins in industrialising countries has not been<br />

brought to court.<br />

Although the use of drins have been virtually banned in countries like<br />

the USA and the Netherlands since the late 1970s due to known<br />

toxic effects, Shell continued the production and sales to<br />

industrialising countries up until 1992. Today, the drins are also<br />

banned by the United Nations (UN) because they are associated<br />

with the incidence of cancer and reproductive, endocrine and<br />

immune system dysfunctions. Ironically these persistent pesticides<br />

also tend to distribute globally and return to the countries of<br />

production as well.<br />

The existence of stockpiles of these banned and obsolete pesticides<br />

in very bad conditions is known by Shell and other pesticide<br />

producing companies 149 . Shell has removed some of the drin<br />

stockpiles and drin waste from some African countries. But the<br />

pesticide companies and Shell refuse to take full responsibility for the<br />

removal of all the stockpiles. Several known stockpiles, including<br />

drins, have not been treated and continue putting the local<br />

communities and environment at great risk.<br />

Legal outcome Only in the US and partly in the Netherlands Shell has had to pay<br />

part of the costs. As far as is known, Shell has not been held liable<br />

for intoxications and for the costs of removal of obsolete pesticides<br />

stockpiles.<br />

145 The Dutch state had claimed for example NLG 150 million for cleanup of the dumpsite in Gouderak<br />

146 Total costs for cleanup Rocky Mountain Arsenal estimated at 1,8 billion dollar in 1989<br />

147 Verboden drins maken nog steeds slachtoffers, Rene Didde, Volkskrant, 27 oktober 1990<br />

148 http://www.pmrma-www.army.mil/htdocs/cleanup/clnfrm.html<br />

149<br />

Bayer and Shell in Nepal, obsolete pesticides in the Himalayas, obsolete pesticides – a global problem,<br />

Andreas Bernstorff and Eco Matser, <strong>Greenpeace</strong> 2002<br />


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