16.01.2013 Aufrufe

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace


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Shell Brazil S.A. (Vila Carioca, Sao Pãolo)<br />

Company details Royal Dutch Shell Group<br />

Carel Van Bylandtlaan 30<br />

The Hague, 2596 – Netherlands<br />

Shell Brasil S.A. -<br />

Central Office:<br />

Avenida das Nações Unidas, 17.891<br />

3º andar<br />

04795-100 São Paulo – SP<br />

Tel: +55-11-5514-8600<br />

Fax: +55-11-5514-8700<br />

Facility in Vila Carioca:<br />

Av. Presidente Wilson<br />

Vila Carioca<br />

São Paulo – SP<br />

Paulínia Facility<br />

Avenida Roberto Simonsen, 1.500<br />

Paulínia – 13140-000<br />

Tel: +55-19-874-7200<br />

Revenue in 1998 – USD 35 million 137 .<br />

Company activity The facility involved in this case stored fuels and pesticides.<br />

Type of incident Groundwater and soil contamination.<br />

Type of damage Shell owns a facility for storing fuel and pesticides in a 180 thousand<br />

square meters area in Vila Carioca, in the city of São Paulo. Since it<br />

was inaugurated, there have been several reports of leakages from<br />

the facility, which potentially affected the environment and the health<br />

of the local community.<br />

Range of damage,<br />

amount of loss<br />

Legal and/or public<br />

action taken<br />

137 Guia da Indústria Química Brasileira – Abiquim – 1999/2000<br />

138 Folha de S. Paulo, 20/4/2002<br />

In March 2002, CETESB (Brazilian state environmental agency)<br />

confirmed that the groundwater of the region was contaminated by<br />

benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, lead and other heavy<br />

metals and the organochlorines aldrin, dieldrin and isodrin. In the<br />

area where fuels were stored, the Institute for Technological<br />

Research detected concentrations of lead as high as 220 miligrams<br />

per kilogram of soil.<br />

In March 2002, the Public Prosecutor started a public legal case, in<br />

which the defendants are Shell and CETESB. A report written by<br />

engineer Élio Lopes dos Santos, expert from the Public Prosecutor’s<br />

Office in São Paulo, estimates that 30 thousand people who live<br />

within 1 kilometre could have been affected or may be affected in the<br />

future by the pollution generated there 138 .<br />

Sinpetrol (Union of Minerals and Oil Derivatives Trade Workers) and<br />

<strong>Greenpeace</strong> filed a complaint against the pollution generated by<br />

Shell in the area.<br />


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