16.01.2013 Aufrufe

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace


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ignoring the release of polonium-210, a strong alpha-emitter. These<br />

scientists say more than a 1000 deaths resulted from the Windscale<br />

accident.<br />

Significantly elevated levels of childhood leukaemia and Down's<br />

syndrome in childen are blamed on the Windscale fire.<br />

Marine pollution<br />

There has been a worrying accumulation of Tc-99 andother<br />

radionuclides in marine life. As an example the amount of plutonium-<br />

241 now accumulating in shellfish in the Irish Sea give serious cause<br />

for concern. Shellfish regularly breach the Community Food<br />

Intervention Level of 80Bq per kilogram for plutonium-241 in the<br />

Sellafield coastal area and the Cumbrian coast. Despite this under<br />

proposals from the Environment Agency of England and Wales for<br />

the future regulation of discharges from Sellafield, BNFL will be able<br />

to increase the throughput of its two reprocessing plants over the<br />

next decade, and hence increase its discharges. This is despite the<br />

fact that the Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs<br />

(DEFRA) in its recent Consultation Paper (2001) on "Statutory<br />

Guidance on the Regulation of Radioactive Discharges into the<br />

Environment from Nuclear Licensed Sites" states that:<br />

"When considering applications for discharge authorizations, the<br />

Environment Agency should take into account Community Food<br />

Intervention Levels so that limits on routine radioactive discharges<br />

should not, in general, be set at a level where CFILs may be<br />

exceeded".<br />

The amount of plutonium-241 now accumulating in shellfish in the<br />

Irish Sea gives serious cause for concern. Shellfish regularly breach<br />

the Community Food Intervention Level. Plutonium discharged from<br />

Sellafield since the 1950s was expected to stay permanently locked<br />

within the sediments at the bottom of the Irish Sea. However, recent<br />

research by the Norwegian Radiation Protection Agency and the<br />

Federal German Office for Martime Shipping suggests that it is<br />

blowing back onto the coast of Cumbria and South-west Scotland in<br />

sea spray and contaminating seafood such as mussels, and moving<br />

northwards into the North Sea and beyond. The highest<br />

concentrations of plutonium - up to 45 milliBecquerels per cubic<br />

metre – were found off the north east coast of Scotland, but<br />

contamination was found along the Norwegian Coast, the west coast<br />

of Denmark and all surface sea water in the Northern Seas, as far<br />

north as Greenland and the Arctic.<br />

Potential Marine/atmospheric pollution<br />

An accident or attack on the return plutonium-MOX shipment from<br />

Japan this year could create a floating radiological bomb.<br />

Between 1990-99 there were 19 accidents involving ships carrying<br />

nuclear cargoes. As British Nuclear Fuels Ltd (BNFL) and its<br />

shipping subsidiary Pacific Nuclear Transports Ltd (PNTL) prepare<br />

for another shipment of hazardous Mox material from Japan to<br />

Europe this year, that statistic is sobering, and debunks the easy<br />

assurances BNFL gives to enroute states about the safety of nuclear<br />

transports. As recently as March 2002 a PNTL ship, the Atlantic<br />

Osprey, caught fire in the Manchester Sea Canal en route to the Irish<br />

Sea for sea trials.<br />


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