16.01.2013 Aufrufe

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace

Umweltverbrechen multinationaler Konzerne - Greenpeace


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Legal, public action by<br />

those concerned<br />

Government has not publicly clarified details of the Trust Fund and is<br />

still negotiating the details of the MOU and a Management Council to<br />

govern its operations.<br />

OSPAR: The member states of the Oslo-Paris Convention resolved<br />

in an agreement in 1998, known as the "Sintra Agreement" that the<br />

"significant and progressive" reductions in the marine discharges of<br />

artifical radionuclides were required to ensure concentrations "close<br />

to zero". Ireland has taken the UK to the Convention's arbitration<br />

process because of the UK's failure to consult prior to approving the<br />

Sellafield MOX Plant opening in December 2001.<br />

International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea - Ireland has taken the<br />

UK to ITLOS to challenge its approval of the Sellafield MOX Plant<br />

and the resulting transports of nuclear material this will give rise to.<br />

Ireland failed to get an immediate injunction preventing opening of<br />

the plant, but the Court agreed the UK had failed to consult<br />

adequately. The Irish Government is considering further legal action<br />

as a result of the upcoming return MOX shipment. The case is<br />

proceeding.<br />

Dundalk Case -- STAD – the Stop THORP Alliance Dundalk, was<br />

formed to support four litigants in this Irish town on the other side of<br />

the Irish Sea from Sellafield. Children of women who were at a<br />

boarding school near Dundalk in 1957 have been found to suffer<br />

from a high incidence of Downs Syndrome.<br />

In the case against British Nuclear Fuel, the four litigants are suing<br />

BNFL for the harmful effects within Ireland on the grounds that:<br />

1. The THORP concept does not comply with EU law.<br />

2. An Environmental Impact Assessment was not carried out<br />

before the granting of an operating licence.<br />

3. The plant is not justified in relation to Irish citizens living in<br />

Ireland, that is to say that the disadvantages outweigh the<br />

benefits.<br />

Ireland and the Attorney General are also being sued for failing to<br />

protect the plaintiffs and Irish citizens from the hazards of THORP by<br />

not taking appropriate steps to prevent it's operation. (see<br />

www.stad.ie)<br />

Other legal cases:<br />

Between October 1992 and June 1993 two cases were heard at the<br />

High Court in London in which the plaintiffs claimed that the cause of<br />

a fatal leukaemia and a non-fatal non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was<br />

paternal preconcention irradiation at Sellafield. The judge found in<br />

favour of the defendants – BNFL. However, the cause or causes of<br />

the increased incidence of leukaemia at Seascale, near Sellafield<br />

remains unclear.<br />

NII cases : The British safety regulator, the Nuclear Installations<br />

Inspectorate, has described safety at Sellafield as "only just<br />

tolerable". In 2000, the NII fined BNFL 40,000 pounds for a relase of<br />

concentrated nitric acid at Sellafield that left two workers with burns;<br />

and 24 thousand pounds for a failure to keep proper control over<br />


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