29.01.2013 Aufrufe

Fremdsprache Deutsch Europäisch - DaF Netzwerk

Fremdsprache Deutsch Europäisch - DaF Netzwerk

Fremdsprache Deutsch Europäisch - DaF Netzwerk


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<strong>Fremdsprache</strong> <strong>Deutsch</strong> <strong>Europäisch</strong><br />

on will be produced and made available both in print and in electronic format on CD-ROM<br />

and over the Internet;<br />

3/ Teacher Training Course Program on interdisciplinary cross-culture education addressed to<br />

in-service teachers in lower secondary school classes.<br />

The outputs will be tested in the real teaching practice, and furthermore evaluated and modified<br />

before dissemination.<br />

The project target groups are:<br />

• School teachers in different subjects in the lower secondary school: literature, history,<br />

foreign languages, geography, nature studies, etc., including school teachers of students<br />

with special educational needs;<br />

• Teacher training institutions and centers that provide courses for in-service teachers.<br />

Indirect beneficiaries of the project results, outputs<br />

and overall impact would be the students in the lower<br />

secondary stage of education – 10-15 years of age.<br />

The methodology that would be developed would be<br />

applicable also in the pedagogical work with students<br />

at risk of school leave because of social, cultural,<br />

physical or mental challenges, since it will offer integrated<br />

approach with meaningful, authentic tasks.<br />

Involvement in interesting and challenging learning<br />

is important for all students, but is essential for those<br />

who are at risk of educational failure.<br />


STREETS OF EUROPE (CC-WISE) is financially<br />

supported by the European Community, represented by the Commission of the European<br />

Communities, General Directorate “Education and Culture” in the frames of SOCRATES/<br />

Comenius Program (Project ref No. 118963-CP-1-2004-1-BG-COMENIUS-C21).<br />

The project duration is 24 months. Its implementation started in the late 2004 and will end in<br />

the autumn of 2006.<br />

The project activities are timed and co-ordinated with the duration of the school year, as considerable<br />

part of the project work is carried out in close co-operation with different schools<br />

that are involved as informal project partners.<br />

The last stage of the project implementation would be dedicated to the dissemination of the<br />

project results and outputs with the purpose of producing wide impact on the target group<br />

representatives within the project countries and beyond.<br />

The project development and activities are presented on the project web-site: http://cc-wise.<br />

iccfound.org<br />

CC-WISE project is coordinated by the Bulgarian non-profit institution Intercultural Co-operation<br />

Foundation (ICCF) – Sofia. Partners in the project implementation are:<br />

School Inspectorate of Cluj County – Cluj, ROMANIA<br />

Center of Continuing Education (CKU) – Sopot, POLAND<br />

Teacher’s Centre of Gijon – Gijon, SPAIN<br />

Regional School Board – Wolfsberg, AUSTRIA<br />

EF Istanbul – Istanbul, TURKEY<br />

CROSS-CULTURAL WALK IN THE STREETS OF EUROPE is carried out under the<br />

auspices of the Municipality of Sopot, Bulgaria, which is Guarantor for the project implementation.

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