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110 THE <strong>DARKROOM</strong> <strong>COOKBOOK</strong><br />

● Do not use an exhausted or over-concentrated stop bath. Stop bath left in the tray overnight<br />

will evaporate and become concentrated. This can cause mottling in the base of a toned print.<br />

Replace the stop bath frequently or use an indicator stop bath.<br />

● Improper fi xing is probably the major cause of stains in toned prints. An exhausted fi xing bath<br />

contains insoluble silver compounds that will be retained by prints and cannot be completely<br />

removed by washing. When these residual silver compounds come into contact with a toner,<br />

they form a yellow stain that is especially noticeable in the highlights and borders.<br />

● Excessive fi xing with acid fi xers is almost as bad. Prolonged fi xing expands the paper and allows<br />

the solution to penetrate the base. Acid fi xer that is trapped in this way is diffi cult to wash out<br />

and may cause prints toned in selenium or sulfi de to turn yellow. Alkaline fi xers do not exhibit<br />

this characteristic.<br />

● Purple stains can occur in both selenium and sepia toner when prints have previously stuck<br />

together in the fi xer.<br />

● Avoid the use of hardening fi xers. Hardening fi xers do just what the name implies: <strong>The</strong>y harden<br />

the emulsion. This prevents toners from penetrating the emulsion and doing what they are supposed<br />

to do. Use Plain Hypo, Looten’s Acid Hypo, Kodak F-24 Nonhardening Acid Fixer, TF-2, TF-3,<br />

ATF-1 Nonhardening Rapid Fixer, or commercial formulas such as Photographers’ Formulary TF-4<br />

Alkaline Fixer or Ilford Rapid Fixer.<br />

● Insuffi cient agitation of prints, especially during the stop bath, can also cause mottling. <strong>The</strong> mottling<br />

will not be evident until the print is toned with a selenium or sulfi de toner.<br />

● Thorough washing before toning is especially important, unless otherwise indicated by the formula<br />

or process. Residual silver salts and traces of hypo in the paper may cause stains, uneven<br />

tones, and fading. Hypo Clearing Agent (HCA) may be used to conserve water without adverse<br />

effect.<br />

● HCA should be used after selenium toning and before washing. HCA is unnecessary after other<br />

toners unless re-fi xing is indicated (for example, Nelson Gold Toner; partial redevelopment/<br />

toning, etc.).<br />

● While it is perfectly acceptable to tone prints that have just been fi xed and washed the most<br />

consistent results are obtained from toning dry prints that have been re-wet for 5 minutes. This<br />

is because the emulsion of freshly processed prints is still in a state of fl ux. This instability may<br />

cause minor variations between prints, even within the same batch. If the prints are to be stored<br />

for extended periods prior to toning, use proper storage techniques, as you would for any fi ne<br />

print. Prints that have been stored in or around materials that off-gas may exhibit staining.<br />

● It is diffi cult to wash toner from the edges of a print. <strong>The</strong>refore, when toning RC paper, keep<br />

toning times to a minimum to prevent the solution from penetrating the edges of the paper. If<br />

toning times longer than fi ve minutes are anticipated with RC paper use salon borders of at least<br />

one inch around the image. <strong>The</strong> same is true for fi ber-based prints meant to be toned for times<br />

of ten minutes or longer.<br />

● Toned prints should be dried face up on clean drying racks, as many toners will transfer to the<br />

screen when placed face down. One exception is properly washed selenium toned prints, which<br />

may be safely dried face down. Drying racks should be cleaned with a solution of household<br />

bleach diluted 1:4 with water (wear gloves and use proper ventilation when using bleach).<br />

● If you must dry toned prints with heat use the lowest and coolest setting. Heat drying may cause<br />

a cool color shift in toned prints. You can often compensate by using a more dilute solution of<br />

toner and/or toning the prints to a warmer color.<br />

● Do not use metal trays or tanks. Use trays made of nonmetallic material such as glass, inert plastic,<br />

or hard rubber.

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