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es, a sort of natural evolution of confl icts. The genocideof the Armenians was the result of a cycle of escalationbetween a destabiliz<strong>in</strong>g nationalism and the defenseconcerns of the state.59Shaw, Stanford J. , and Ezel Kural Shaw. History ofthe Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey, vol. 1,Empire of the Gazis: The Rise and Decl<strong>in</strong>e of theOttoman Empire 1280-1808, vol. 2, Reform, Revolution,and Republic: The Rise of Modern Turkey 1808-1975. Cambridge, New York, London and Melbourne:Cambridge University Press 1976, 1977. LC 76-9179.See vol. 2, pp. 314-317.The Shaw volumes were the first works publishedby otherwise legitimate scholars, employed at theuniversity level, to engage <strong>in</strong> the most brazen form ofdenial. In earlier works on Turkey, American academicshad preferred to overlook the subject of the Armeniangenocide. The Shaws chose to accept the availabledenial theses without any attempt to exam<strong>in</strong>e contraven<strong>in</strong>gevidence. The Shaws couched the entire episodeof genocide through the use of euphemisms such as"evacuation""and "transportation. They also m<strong>in</strong>imizedthe casualties by estimat<strong>in</strong>g that about 400, 000 Armenianswere moved, of whom about half perished. Theyalso claimed to have exam<strong>in</strong>ed "the secret records ofthe Ottoman cab<strong>in</strong>et" and found no evidence that thecentral government had issued any orders to massacreArmenians. The Shaws elaborated the provocationthesis by characteriz<strong>in</strong>g the Armenians as murderousrevolutionaries, saboteurs, and collaborators with theenemy. To make them appear a consequence of war,the events of 1915 were described with<strong>in</strong> the story ofthe Ottoman campaigns on the eastern front.~ 5. 10 *McCarthy, Just<strong>in</strong>. Muslims and M<strong>in</strong>orities: ThePopulation of Ottoman Anatolia and the End of theEmpire. New York and London: New York UniversityPress, 1983. LC 83-13165. ISBN 0-8147-5390-6. Seepp. 47-81, 117-130.Bas<strong>in</strong>g his work on the various types of censusregisters kept by the Ottomans, McCarthy reconstructsthe ethnic composition of Anatolia <strong>in</strong> the first part ofthe twentieth century. Entirely dismiss<strong>in</strong>g the deportationsas a deliberate and comprehensive state policyto alter the demography of the region, McCarthy resortsto the civil war thesis where for "both sides, the warbecame one of exterm<strong>in</strong>ation <strong>in</strong> which the villages of"the other side were annihilated. (p. 119) The disappearanceof the Armenians is expla<strong>in</strong>ed by the fact that theyconstituted no more than forty percent of the totalpopulation <strong>in</strong> any one prov<strong>in</strong>ce. The argument alsoposits the theory of Armenian self-<strong>in</strong>duced or self-<strong>in</strong>flicted genocide. The question of the organizedkill<strong>in</strong>gs of Armenians is entirely bypassed. Epidemicswere the cause of a large number of deaths.~ 5. 11 *Sonyel, Salahi R. "Armenian Deportations: A Reappraisal<strong>in</strong> the Light of New Documents. " Belleten 36,no. 141 (1972): 51-69.A claim regularly made by rationalizers has beentheir cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>gdiscoveryof archival documents whichbelie the genocide. Rely<strong>in</strong>g on British documents,Sonyel advances the dis<strong>in</strong>genuous idea that, despite thedocuments demonstrat<strong>in</strong>g a willful plan of deportation,the Ottoman government cannot be "implicated <strong>in</strong> themassacres. " Sonyel concocts one of the strangestcomb<strong>in</strong>ations of argument: the partial admission of facts(i. e. , the deportations) and the absolution of theOttoman goverment for the consequences of theirmethods of implement<strong>in</strong>g this policy. "Ow<strong>in</strong>g to theshortage of men, most of whom were fight<strong>in</strong>g on thevarious fronts aga<strong>in</strong>st the external enemies, the Ottomangovernment entrusted the guard<strong>in</strong>g of the convoys ofArmenians, who were be<strong>in</strong>g deported, to non-combatants,usually to convicts released from prisons for thepurpose, and to local Kurds, who had old scores tosettle with the Armenians. The deportations gave theKurds the opportunity to deal severely with the Armenianswho had already lost the favour of the OttomanGovernment ow<strong>in</strong>g to their treachery. There is noevidence that the Ottoman Government planned themassacres, although deportations were well-planned<strong>in</strong> order to be effective enough to dim<strong>in</strong>ish the greatdanger of a general Armenian upris<strong>in</strong>g. " (p. 60-61)Sonyel's article also conta<strong>in</strong>s a particularly goodexample of a euphemism. "The whole affair [understandgenocide) was spontaneous and the result of"extreme provocation on the part of the Armenians.(p. 61) Like all rational izers, Sonyel f<strong>in</strong>ds no contradictionbetween the claim that the Armenian populationwas <strong>in</strong> a state of rebellion and yet the deporationsproceeded expeditiously, with little resistance, andaccord<strong>in</strong>g to plan.* 5. 12 *Uras, Esat. The Armenians <strong>in</strong> History and the ArmenianQuestion. Istanbul: Foundation for the Establishmentand Promotion of Centers for Historical Research andDocumentation, and Istanbul Research Center, 1988.This massive tome runn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to a thousand pagesis the prototype of revisionist historiography on theArmenians produced <strong>in</strong> Turkey. The translation of awork first published <strong>in</strong> 1950 <strong>in</strong> Turkish, the Urasvolume is <strong>in</strong> the ma<strong>in</strong> a collection of documents andlengthy quotations strung together with the sketchiestof background <strong>in</strong>formation. It leaves the impression98 GENOCIDE

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