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"Methodology of Def<strong>in</strong>ition and Categorization,Holocaust and <strong>Genocide</strong> Studies 3, no. 3 (1988):289-303; Chalk and Jonassohn, 12-27.46. Jack N. Porter, ed. , <strong>Genocide</strong> and Human Rights:A Global Anthology (Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, DC: University Pressof America, 1982), 9-12.47. Raphael Lemk<strong>in</strong>, Axis Rule <strong>in</strong> Occupied Europe(New York: Columbia University Press, 1944), 79.48. Cited <strong>in</strong> Kuper, <strong>Genocide</strong>: Its, 210.49. Kuper, <strong>Genocide</strong>: Its, 93-94 and Chalk andJonassohn, 10-12.50. Horowitz, 1-2.51. Chalk and Jonassohn, 23.52. Israel W. Charny, "The Study of <strong>Genocide</strong>," <strong>in</strong><strong>Genocide</strong>: A Critical Bibliographic Review, vol. 1, ed.by Israel W. Charny (London: Mansell and New York:Facts on File, 1980), 4.53. Israel W. Charny, "A Proposal for a New Encompass<strong>in</strong>gDef<strong>in</strong>ition of <strong>Genocide</strong>: Includ<strong>in</strong>g New LegalCategories of Accomplices to <strong>Genocide</strong>, and <strong>Genocide</strong>as a Result of Ecological Destruction and Abuse. " Apaper prepared for the First Raphael Lemk<strong>in</strong> Symposiumon <strong>Genocide</strong>, Yale University Law School,February 1991.54. Markusen, "<strong>Genocide</strong> and Total War, " 237-238.55. Raymond Aron, The Century of Total War(Boston: Beacon Press, 1954).56. World Military and Social Expenditures, 1987-88,ed. by Ruth Leger Sivard (Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, DC: WorldPriorities, 1987), 28.57. World Military, 28.58. World Military, 28.59. Karl von Clausewitz, Vom Krieg. (Bonn, Germany:Ferd. Diimmlers Verlag, 1966), Section no. 24.First published <strong>in</strong> 1832. The pert<strong>in</strong>ent sentence <strong>in</strong> theGerman orig<strong>in</strong>al reads: "Der Krieg ist c<strong>in</strong>e blosseFortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln. " Thesentence is to be literally translated as: War is a merecont<strong>in</strong>uation of politics (or policy) by other means.Politics seems to us to be a better translation of Politikthan policy. More idiomatic, perhaps, would be thephrase foreign policy. Hence the sentence <strong>in</strong> Englishprobably should read: War is a mere cont<strong>in</strong>uation offoreign policy by other means.60. Eckhardt, "War-Related Deaths, " 1.61. Ronald Glossop, ConPont<strong>in</strong>g War: An Exam<strong>in</strong>ationof Humanity's Most Press<strong>in</strong>g Problem, 2d. ed.(Jefferson, NC: MacFarland, 1987), 7.62. Arthur West<strong>in</strong>g, "War as Human Endeavor: TheH igh-Fatal ity Wars of the Twentieth Century, " Journalof Peace Research 3 (1982): 261.63. Thomas M. Franck, "Who Killed Article 2(4)?Or: Chang<strong>in</strong>g Norms Govern<strong>in</strong>g the Use of Force byStates, " American Journal of International Law 64(1970): 812.64. Markusen, "<strong>Genocide</strong> and Total War, " 103-105and Markusen and Kopf.65. Berenice A. Carroll, "'Total War, ' the Self-Fulfill<strong>in</strong>gProphecy?" <strong>in</strong> Design for Total War: Arms andEconomics <strong>in</strong> the Third Reich, ed. by Berenice A.Carroll (The Hague: Mouton, 1968), 17-36.66. Marjorie Farrar, "World War II as Total War, "<strong>in</strong> War: A Historical, Political, and Social Study, ed.by L. L. Farrar, Jr. (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio,1978), 171.67. Qu<strong>in</strong>cy Wright, A Study of War, with a Commentaryon War s<strong>in</strong>ce 1941. 2d ed. (Chicago: Universityof Chicago Press, 1942, 1965), 75.68. Hornell Hart, "Acceleration <strong>in</strong> Social Change, "<strong>in</strong> Technology and Social Change, ed. by Francis R.Allen, et al. (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts,1957), 42-43.69. Hart, 42-43.70. Gordon Wright, "The Impact of Total War, " <strong>in</strong>The Ordeal of Total War, 1939-1945 (New York:Harper and Row, 1968), 236 and Elliot, 88.71. World Military, 28.72. "The Damage Was Not Collateral," New York<strong>Time</strong>s (24 March 1991): Op-Ed page.73. George Lopez, "The Gulf War: Not So Clean, "Bulleti n of the Atomic Scientists 47, no. 7 (1991): 32.<strong>Genocide</strong> and Modern War 129

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