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weapons, given their unprecedented destructiveness.As an alternative to the mislead<strong>in</strong>g concept of "nuclearwar, " philosopher John Somerville has proposed theterm "nuclear omnicide, " to convey the probability thata war fought with nuclear weapons would constitutea categorically new dimension of mass kill<strong>in</strong>g."Somerville co<strong>in</strong>ed omnicide from the Lat<strong>in</strong> words omnimean<strong>in</strong>g "all" and cide mean<strong>in</strong>g "to kill. " In recognitionof the uniquely destructive nature of nuclearweapons, and the fact that they are deeply embedded<strong>in</strong> the national security arrangements of several nations,Lifton and Markusen have suggested the concept of anuclear "genocidal system. " "A " genocidal system, theywrite, "is not a matter of aparticular weapons structureor strategic concept so much as an overall constellationof men, weapons, and war-fight<strong>in</strong> plans which, ifimplemented,could end human civilization <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>utesand the greater part of human life on the planet with<strong>in</strong>hours. . . . "~GENOCIDE AND MODERN WAR AS FORMSOF GOVERNMENTAL MASS KILLINGSome scholars regard genocide and war as quitedifferent phenomena. For example, sociologist Horowitzasserts that "it is operationally imperative todist<strong>in</strong>guish warfare from genocide, " and politicalscientist R. J. Rummel has stated that "There are nocommon conditions "" or causes of domestic and foreignconflict behavior. Similarly, <strong>in</strong> their discussion ofdef<strong>in</strong>itions of genocide, Frank Chalk and Kurt Jonassohnemphasize that it is "essential. .. to exclude fromour analysis the casualties of war, whether military orof the available"" civilian. In her recent critiqueliterature on this question, Helen Fe<strong>in</strong> asserts that "Thequestion of whether kill<strong>in</strong>gs of civilians <strong>in</strong> war are warcrimes, consequences of acts of war admissable underthe war convention, or acts of genocide has beenclouded by the fact that genocide-labell<strong>in</strong>g of warstoday is often a rhetorical strategem for politicaldelegitimation of specific wars which the labelleropposes. "" However, it is important to note thatgenocide and modern war are not as dist<strong>in</strong>ct andseparate as some have asserted them to be; otherscholars have discerned important connections betweenthem. ~GENOCIDEAccord<strong>in</strong>g to political scientist Roger Smith, thetwentieth century "is an age of genocide <strong>in</strong> which sixtymillion men, women, and children, com<strong>in</strong>g from manydifferent races, religions, ethnic groups, nationalities,and social classes, and liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> many different countries,on most of the cont<strong>in</strong>ents of the earth, have hadtheir "" lives taken because the state thought it desirable.A partial list<strong>in</strong>g of twentieth century genocides<strong>in</strong>cludes the kill<strong>in</strong>g of more than 1, 000, 000 Armeniansby the Turks <strong>in</strong> 1915; the Holocaust <strong>in</strong> which6, 000, 000 Jews and 4, 000, 000 members of other victimgroups were killed by the Nazis between 1939 and1945; the slaughter of approximately 3, 000, 000 Ibotribesmen by other Nigerians between 1967 and 1970;the massacre of more than 1, 000, 000 Bengalis by thethe army of East Pakistan <strong>in</strong> 1971; and the kill<strong>in</strong>g ofas many as 2, 000, 000 Cambodians by the KhmerRouge between 1975 and 1979. " An analysis ofgenocides and closely-related forms of mass kill<strong>in</strong>gs<strong>in</strong>ce 1945 found forty-four "episodes" of genocidalviolence that, collectively, took the lives of "betweenseven and sixteen million people, at least as many whodied <strong>in</strong> all <strong>in</strong>ternational and civil wars <strong>in</strong> the period. "4'Recent scholarship has <strong>in</strong>dicated that death tollsfrom past cases of genocidal kill<strong>in</strong>g may be far greaterthan has been thought. In a meticulous analysis of justone case — the Soviet Union between 1917 and1987 — R. J. Rummel estimates that dur<strong>in</strong>g that seventyyear period, "Probably 61, 911, 000people, 54, 769, 000of them citizens, have been murderedby the Commu-nist party, the government of the Soviet Union. "~The basic act of def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g genocide is problematicand controversial. Despite a plethora of recent scholarshipon def<strong>in</strong>itional issues, a widely accepted def<strong>in</strong>itionof genocide cont<strong>in</strong>ues to elude scholars. 4' The def<strong>in</strong>itionaldilemma has been complicated by the misapplica-tion of the term. As Jack Nusan Porter notes, the labelof "genocide" has been applied, <strong>in</strong>appropriately, to thefollow<strong>in</strong>g practices: racial <strong>in</strong>tegration, methadonema<strong>in</strong>tenance programs, certa<strong>in</strong> features of the medicaltreatment of Irish Catholics, and the clos<strong>in</strong>g of synagogues<strong>in</strong> the Soviet Union. ~Raphael Lemk<strong>in</strong> co<strong>in</strong>ed the term "genocide" <strong>in</strong>his 1944 book, Axis Rule <strong>in</strong> Occupied Europe, whichconta<strong>in</strong>edone of the first detailed accounts of Nazipersecution of Jews and other groups. Lemk<strong>in</strong> derivedthe term from the Greek word genos, which means"race" or "tribe, " and the Lat<strong>in</strong> word cide, mean<strong>in</strong>g"to " kill. Thus, he def<strong>in</strong>ed genocide "" as "the destructionof a nation or ethnic group. In addition to directmass kill<strong>in</strong>g, such "destruction" could assume otherforms, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g destruction of cultural heritage andprevention of procreation. Lemk<strong>in</strong>'s def<strong>in</strong>ition servedas the basis for the first formal, legal def<strong>in</strong>ition ofgenocide, which was codified <strong>in</strong> 1948 <strong>in</strong> the UnitedNations Convention on the Prevention and Punishmentof the Crime of <strong>Genocide</strong>. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to the Convention,genocide refers to "acts committed with <strong>in</strong>tent todestroy, <strong>in</strong> whole or <strong>in</strong> part, a national, ethnical, racial,<strong>Genocide</strong> and Modern War 121

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