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the Nazi exterm<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g drive, a position frequently + 3. 33 +taken <strong>in</strong> the literature. Hancock cautions aga<strong>in</strong>st Jackel, Eberhard. "The Miserable Practice of thegeneraliz<strong>in</strong>g the event beyond the Jews and Gypsies, Ins<strong>in</strong>uators: The Uniqueness of the National-Socialisthowever, emphasiz<strong>in</strong>g that no other groups were Crimes Cannot Be Denied. " Yad Vashem Studies 19targeted for destruction with the same manner and (1988): 107-113.<strong>in</strong>tention as they were.Jackel strongly criticizes those historians <strong>in</strong> theHistorikerstreit who would seem to deny the uniqueness~ 3. 30 ~of the Holocaust. In an often quoted statement, heHeuser, Beatrice. "The Historikerstreit: Uniquenessand Comparability of the Holocaust. " articulates a fact he considers "obvious" and "wellGerman History known, " that "the murder of the Jews was unique6:1 (1988): 69-78.because never before had a state, with the authorityHeuser reviews those writers important to the of its responsible leader, decided and announced itsHistorikerstreit with respect to their positions on theuniqueness and comparability of the Holocaust. She<strong>in</strong>tention to liquidate as completely as possible a certa<strong>in</strong>group of people, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the aged, women, childrengroups them <strong>in</strong>to three categories. Some believe'the and babies, and to implement the decision by meansevent to be s<strong>in</strong>gularly unique and <strong>in</strong>comparable. The of all the official <strong>in</strong>struments of power at its disposal. "majority hold that a comparative approach can be used Jackel, however, does not consider the "question ofto show both its s<strong>in</strong>gularity and its similarity to other uniqueness" to be decisive and provocatively asks,such events, accept<strong>in</strong>g that comparison does not deny "Would it change anyth<strong>in</strong>g had the National-Socialistuniqueness. Lastly, there are some like Ernst Nolte who murder not been unique?"seem to use the event's comparability <strong>in</strong> an apologistmanner, m<strong>in</strong>imiz<strong>in</strong>g the unique elements of the Holo- *3. 34 ~caust and thus try<strong>in</strong>g to mitigate the moral responsibili- Jakobovits, Immanuel. "'Faith Ethics and the Holotyof the German people for this crime.caust'. Some Personal, Theological, and ReligiousResponses to the Holocaust. " Holocaust and <strong>Genocide</strong>~ 3. 31 ~Studies 3:4 (1988): 371-381.Hilberg, Raul. "German Motivations for the Destructionof the Jews. " Jakobovits succ<strong>in</strong>ctly summarizes the response ofMidstream (June 1965): 23-40. the Orthodox Jewish community to the claim that theHilberg, noted historian and author of 1he De- Holocaust is unique. They deny "the uniqueness of thestruction of the European Jews, a work often referred Holocaust as an event different <strong>in</strong> k<strong>in</strong>d, and not merelyto as a foundation for those who take a methodologist's <strong>in</strong> extent and barbarity, from any previous nationalposition on the uniqueness of the Holocaust, here catastrophe. " They arrive at this position by see<strong>in</strong>g theexplores the possible motivations of the Germans <strong>in</strong> destruction of European Jews as just another eventtheir attempt to destroy all Jews dur<strong>in</strong>g the Holocaust. with<strong>in</strong> the pre-orda<strong>in</strong>ed realm of God's providence.He <strong>in</strong>troduces his article with a statement declar<strong>in</strong>g the Therefore they reject any term, such as Holocaust orHolocaust's uniqueness: "<strong>in</strong> conception and execution, Shoah, that sets it apart from previous Jewish catastroitwas a unique occurance. When Adolf Hitler cameto power <strong>in</strong> 1933, a modern bureaucracy set out for thefirst time to destroy an entire people. "phes.* 3. 35 *"Jewish Values <strong>in</strong> the Post-Holocaust Future: A+ 3. 32 +"Hilberg, Raul. "The Significance of the Holocaust. " Symposium. Judaism 16:3 (Summer 1967): 266-299.This symposium on Jewish values after theIn ?he Holocaust: Ideology, Bureaucracy and Geno- Holocaust conta<strong>in</strong>s with<strong>in</strong> it one of the earliest discuscide.Ed. by Henry Friedlander and Sybil Milton. sions of the uniqueness-universalist debate. Some ofMillwood, NY: Kraus International Publications, 1980. the major th<strong>in</strong>kers who express their ideas here areLC 80-16913. ISBN 0-527-63807-2.George Ste<strong>in</strong>er, Elie Wiesel, and Emil Fackenheim.Hilberg attempts to arrive at the significance of Both Weisel and Fackenheim emphasize the Holocaust'sthe Holocaust for Western civilization. He asserts his uniqueness, whereas Ste<strong>in</strong>er urges a more universalistposition that the Holocaust is unique by term<strong>in</strong>g it "sui approach.generis" and "irreducibly dist<strong>in</strong>ct" from all otherhistorical events. The implication of this uniqueness, * 3. 36 *Hilberg says, is that "one cannot expla<strong>in</strong> it <strong>in</strong> terms Katz, Steven T. "The 'Unique' Intentionality of theof anyth<strong>in</strong>g else. ... It demands its own literature andits own sources. " Holocaust. " Modern Judaism 1:2 (September 1981):161-183.The Issue of the Holocaust as a Unique Event6l

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