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Lang reflects on how technology facilitated boththe perpetration of the Holocaust and the preparationsfor nuclear omnicide. See also 7. 97.~ 7. 99 ~Kelman, Herbert C. , and V. Lee Hamilton. Crimes ofObedience: Toward a Social Psychology of Authorityand Responsibility. New Haven and London: YaleUniversity Press, 1989.Many of those <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> governmental masskill<strong>in</strong>g projects justify their complicity by claim<strong>in</strong>g to"have "obeyed authority. Kelman and Hamiltonexam<strong>in</strong>e several "crimes of obedience, " <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g thecases of William Calley, Klaus Barbie, and KurtWaldheim, <strong>in</strong> order to clarify the psychological andsocial dimensions of such crimes. The authors exam<strong>in</strong>eseveral social-psychological processes that facilitateviolence by weaken<strong>in</strong>g moral and'empathic restra<strong>in</strong>ts.Among these processes are authorization, rout<strong>in</strong>ization,and dehumanization. They also discuss the <strong>in</strong>famous"Obedience to Authority" experiments conducted byStanley Milgram. The f<strong>in</strong>al chapter, "On Break<strong>in</strong>g theHabit of Unquestion<strong>in</strong>g Obedience, " is particularlynoteworthy.* 7. 100 *Kuper, Leo. "Epilogue: The Nuclear Arms Race and<strong>Genocide</strong>. " In The Prevention of <strong>Genocide</strong>. NewHaven: Yale University Press;. 1985. LC 85-40465.ISBN 0-300-03418-0.Kuper, one of the lead<strong>in</strong>g scholars of genocide,comments on "some of the implications of nucleararmaments, which now present an overwhelm<strong>in</strong>g threatof genocide, and <strong>in</strong>deed of omnicide, the ext<strong>in</strong>ction ofour species. " (p. 228) Among his po<strong>in</strong>ts: "Manysources of condition<strong>in</strong>g to nuclear w'arfare derive fromquite ord<strong>in</strong>ary rout<strong>in</strong>es <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>dustry, government bureaucracies,and the armed forces. Some of the implicationsof their condition<strong>in</strong>g appear more clearly <strong>in</strong> the contextof Nazi experience. " (p. 235) See also 7. 102.~ 7. 101 +Lifton, Robert Jay. The Broken Connection: On Deathand the Cont<strong>in</strong>uity of Life. New York: Simon andSchuster, 1979. LC 79-12886. ISBN 0-671-22561-8.Lifton explores psychological issues relevant togenocide, war, and nuclear omnicide. He traces asequence <strong>in</strong> genocidal kill<strong>in</strong>g from what he terms"psychohistorical dislocation, " that is, disconcert<strong>in</strong>gand bewilder<strong>in</strong>g confusion and anxiety caused by rapidsocial change and economic and political <strong>in</strong>stability,to a desperate search for "cure" <strong>in</strong> the form of atotalitarian ideology that purports' to expla<strong>in</strong> thedislocation and provide a means for transcend<strong>in</strong>g it.The transcendence usually occurs by radically trans-form<strong>in</strong>g the society at the expense of designated victimswho become scapegoats for the perpetrators' anxietiesand fears. Part III, "Death and History: The NuclearImage" (p. 283-387), and the chapters on "Dislocationand Totalism" and "Victimization and Mass Violence"are particularly valuable.* 7. 102 *Lifton, Robert Jay, and Eric Markusen. The GenocidalMentality: Nazi Holocaust and Nuclear Threat. NewYork: Basic Books, 1990. LC 89-43101. ISBN 0-465-02662-1.Lifton and Markusen argue that the actual genocidecarried out by the Nazis and the potential genocide<strong>in</strong>herent <strong>in</strong> the preparations for nuclear war both reflectan underly<strong>in</strong>g m<strong>in</strong>d-set which the authors term "the"genocidal mentality. In the nuclear case, this "can bedef<strong>in</strong>ed as a m<strong>in</strong>d-set that <strong>in</strong>cludes <strong>in</strong>dividual andcollective will<strong>in</strong>gness to produce, deploy, and, accord<strong>in</strong>gto certa<strong>in</strong> standards of necessity, use weaponsknown to destroy entire human populations — millions,or tens or hundreds of millions, of people. " (p. 3)While recogniz<strong>in</strong>g important differences between thetwo cases, Lifton and Markusen identify and analyzea number of important parallels and commonalities.Among these commonalities are the embrace of aviolent national security ideology <strong>in</strong> response to a senseof threat to the society; the use of science, and pseudoscience,to rationalize policies <strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g actual orpotential mass kill<strong>in</strong>g; the <strong>in</strong>volvement of highly-educatedprofessionals <strong>in</strong> the enterprise; and the facilitat<strong>in</strong>groles of bureaucratic organization, euphemisticlanguage, and a variety of psychological defensemechanisms, such as psychic numb<strong>in</strong>g and doubl<strong>in</strong>g.The authors devote a chapter to the question of victimsof the Holocaust and potential victims of nuclear war.They conclude with a call for further development ofa gradually emerg<strong>in</strong>g "species"mentality, that is, "fullconsciousness of ourselves as members of the humanspecies, a species now under threat of ext<strong>in</strong>ction. . . asense of self that identifiesspecies. " (p. 258)* 7. 103 *with the entire humanMarkusen, Eric. "<strong>Genocide</strong> and Total War: A Prelimi-"nary Comparison. In <strong>Genocide</strong> and the Modern Age.Ed. by Isidor Wallimann and Michael Dobkowski. NewYork; Greenwood Press, 1987. LC 86-9978. ISBN 0-313-24198-8.Markusen identifies a number of psychological,organizational, and technological factors common toboth genocide and total war and concludes that "Warfare<strong>in</strong> the twentieth century has become <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>glygenocidal, and several genocides. .. resemble military146 GENOCIDE

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