Part 1 - God's Puzzle Solved

Part 1 - God's Puzzle Solved

Part 1 - God's Puzzle Solved


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Satan – God’s Helper401thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and you shallbe as gods, knowing good and evil. 6 And when thewoman saw that the tree was good for food and thatit was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired tomake one wise, she took of the fruit thereof and dideat and gave also to her husband with her; and he dideat. 7 And the eyes of them both were opened and theyknew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leavestogether and made themselves aprons.Satan was in The Garden of Eden but he was not like asnake slithering around. He was this awesome cherub,beautiful with the aura of glistening jewels. He acted likea deceptive snake and he may have frightened Adam.Satan’s Great DeceptionSatan tells Eve what he thinks and believes, “ 4 And the serpentsaid to the woman, You shall not surely die.” Satanwas correct in this assessment but he was deceptive at thesame time. He didn’t tell Eve that she would die once (perhapstwice) between then and the time of receiving Salvation.Satan is tricky. His system is directly opposite fromGod’s system of honesty, “ 5 For God does know that in theday you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened.”Most Christians think that Satan lied to Eve, but he didnot. She ate and gave the fruit to her husband. He ateit with her and they hid themselves from God by tryingto clothe themselves. Now, for the first time, they understoodabout sex and passion. When they ate the fruit, theyknew they were naked. Clearly, Satan told her the truthlong before she was ready to handle it. Satan never tells

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