Epic Hikes of the World ( PDFDrive )

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- E P I C H I K E S O F T H E W O R L D -


Linking ruined Mediterranean cities once inhabited by the ancient

Lycians, the Lycian Way runs from Turkey’s golden beaches and

seaside towns to hill villages and mountainous hinterland.

As I wandered out of the fishing village of Üçagız, the locals were just

starting to go about their business after their ritual Turkish breakfast. No

dallying and just a quick wave to the early birds outside the teahouse, as I

was keen to put a few miles of Mediterranean coastline behind me before the

freshness of the spring morning melted away. The next village on the Teke

Peninsula, the bulge of beaches and holiday towns backed by the olive-grovedotted

foothills of the Western Taurus Mountains, was only accessible by foot or

boat. Named after the Byzantine kale (castle) overlooking its handful of houses,

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