Epic Hikes of the World ( PDFDrive )

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exception. From the trailhead at Skjeggedal, it’s a there-and-back hike of at least

eight hours, traversing forest trails, rocky plateaus and granite ridges, many of

which stay snow-covered for at least half the year.

© Versta | Shutterstock

the monstrously good view from Trolltunga

It takes around an hour to climb the first section, a leg-sapping slog up a

staircase cut into the wooded mountainside, emerging on to a mountain plateau

sprinkled with pools formed by summer snowmelt. By the time I reach the plateau

and push on to the next climb, the mist is burning off, and streaks of blue are

breaking through overhead. Peaks appear behind the cloud, lined up like guards

manning a castle watchtower. Lakes sparkle in the morning light, and a carpet of

tundra stretches up the mountain, sprinkled with wildflowers. I refill my water bottle

from a cold stream, breathing in the crisp mountain air before continuing the


The trail dips into a grassy valley, then climbs, and suddenly, the blue sweep of

Lake Ringdalsvatnet appears, a curve of turquoise backed by sheer, black slopes,

still topped by a dusting of snow. It’s a cinematic view that stays in focus for much

of the remaining climb to the troll’s lair.

“Lakes sparkle in the morning light, and a carpet of tundra stretches

up the mountain, sprinkled with wildflowers”

I pass a couple of wild campers, and stop for a cup of coffee, brewed over a

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