Epic Hikes of the World ( PDFDrive )

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influence on the landscapes of the Great Walk as volcanic power. ‘Aboriginal

people,’ he says, ‘burned the woods to create open spaces for hunting, leaving

forest for shelter.’ Controlled burning is a tool for defending the fragile eucalyptus

forests from encroachment by voracious rainforest plants. Once fire has cleared a

space, it’s a starting gun for new life to race upwards to the light. ‘Some forest likes

a light burn every 10 years,’ says Hall, ‘other forest prefers a crowning fire up to the

canopy of the trees every 100 years. A crowning fire can produce 100,000

megawatts of heat per metre.’

© Luke Shelley | Shutterstock

O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat

Michael is pointing out more plants and trees on the final day’s route past

Purling Brook Falls, Springbrook’s 328ft (100m) waterfall, when his eye is caught by

a movement on a branch above us. After three days of prehistoric plants, ancient

landscapes and deadly wildlife, he’s spied one more little brown bird. ‘It’s a

spotted pardalote,’ he whispers. ‘I haven’t seen one of those for 20 years. Now

that is special.’ RB


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