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Frank B. Dazzo<br />

Dazzo FB, Hollingsworth R, Philip-Hollingsworth S, Robeles M, Olen T, Salzwedel J,<br />

Djordjevic M, Rolfe B (1988) Recognition processes in the Rhizobium trifolii-white<br />

clover symbiosis. In: Bothe H, de Bruijn F, Newton W (eds) Nitrogen fixation: hundred<br />

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Dazzo F, Truchet G, Hollingsworth R, Hrabak E, Pankratz H, Philip-Hollingsworth S,<br />

Salzwedel J, Chapman K, Appenzeller L, Squartini A, Gerhold D, Orgambide G (1991)<br />

Rhizobium lipopolysaccharide modulates infection thread development in white<br />

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Dazzo FB, Mateos P, Orgambide G, Philip-Hollingsworth S, Squartini A, Subba-Rao NS,<br />

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Rhizobium-legume symbiosis and visualization of rhizoplane microorganisms by<br />

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Dazzo FB, Orgambide G, Philip-Hollingsworth S, Hollingsworth RI, Ninke K, Salzwedel<br />

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