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6 Signalling in the Rhizobia–Legumes Symbioses 111<br />

4 Signal Perception and Molecular Biology of Nodule<br />

Initiation<br />

On the molecular and cellular level a large number of responses of legume<br />

roots to Nod factors (LCOs) are known (Table 3). In the epidermis and the<br />

root hairs, ion fluxes, plasma membrane depolarization and accumulation of<br />

calcium in the root hair tips have been observed within seconds. In the range<br />

of minutes; cytoskeleton modifications, root hair deformation and specific<br />

gene expression, e.g., for ENOD 12 are found as well as calcium 2+ spiking and<br />

phospholipase C and D activation. In the range of hours to days, formation of<br />

pre-infection threads and cell divisions in the nodule primordium can be<br />

observed, together with the expression of other early nodulins such as ENOD<br />

20. At the same time, in the vascular tissue, an inhibition of polar auxin transport<br />

and a specific gene expression of ENOD 40 follow. Several of these reactions<br />

are triggered by nanomolar concentrations of Nod factors.<br />

Table 3. Responses of legume roots to Nod factors (modified from Cullimore et al. 2000;<br />

Hartog et al. 2001; Hogg et al. 2002)<br />

Tissue Responses Rapidity of Concen- Tested<br />

response tration <strong>plant</strong> genera<br />

of Nod and species<br />

factors<br />

applied<br />

Epidermis Ion fluxes Seconds nM Medicago<br />

and root Plasma membrane Seconds nM Medicago<br />

hairs depolarization<br />

Increase in intracellular pH Seconds nM Medicago<br />

Accumulation of Ca 2+ in Seconds nM Medicago, Vigna<br />

root hair tip<br />

Ca 2+ spiking 10 min nM Medicago, Pisum<br />

Gene expression Minutes–hours fM–pM Medicago<br />

(e.g., ENOD12, RIP1)<br />

Root hair deformation Minutes–hours nM–µM Many<br />

Cytoskeleton modification Minutes–hours fM–pM Phaseolus, Vicia<br />

Phospholipase C and Minutes–hours nM Vicia sativa<br />

D activation<br />

Cortex Gene expression (e.g., ENOD20) Hours–days pM Medicago<br />

Formation of pre-infection Days nM–µM Vicia<br />

threads<br />

Cell division leading to nodule Days nM–µM Many<br />

primordium formation<br />

Competitive nodulation blocking Days nM Pisum<br />

(Cnb)<br />

Vasculature Inhibition of polar auxin Minutes Trifolium<br />

transport<br />

Gene expression (e.g., ENOD40) 24 h-days nM–µM Glycine, Vicia,<br />


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