La monnaie unique europeenne et sa relation au ... - Eumed.net

La monnaie unique europeenne et sa relation au ... - Eumed.net

La monnaie unique europeenne et sa relation au ... - Eumed.net


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Mais la modéli<strong>sa</strong>tion logistique est bonne :<br />

Dependent Variable: DET<br />

M<strong>et</strong>hod: Least Squares<br />

Date: 09/12/06 Time: 00:16<br />

Sample: 1880 1914<br />

Included observations: 35<br />

Convergence achieved after 1 iteration<br />

DET=60/(1+EXP(C(1)+C(2)*@TREND))<br />

L<strong>La</strong>a moonnnnaai iiee uunni iiqquuee eeuur rooppééeennnnee. ..<br />

Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.<br />

C(1) -1.913866 0.102454 -18.68031 0.0000<br />

C(2) 0.053394 0.004423 12.07184 0.0000<br />

R-squared 0.850864 Mean dependent var 43.31429<br />

Adjusted R-squared 0.846345 S.D. dependent var 7.136367<br />

S.E. of regression 2.797372 Akaike info criterion 4.950683<br />

Sum squared resid 258.2347 Schwarz criterion 5.039560<br />

Log likelihood -84.63696 Durbin-Watson stat 0.532505<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910<br />

Residual Actual Fitted<br />

Belgique Hollande France Moyenne 1 e r<br />

cercle (Fce +<br />

Bénélux)<br />

1880 32 96 80<br />

1881 33 96 80,25<br />

1882 35 90 76,25<br />

1883 38 97 82,25<br />

1884 39 82 106 87,8<br />

1885 40 88 111 92,2<br />

1886 47 100 112 96,6<br />

1887 45 98 114 97<br />

1888 42 99 113 96<br />

1889 42 92 109 92,2<br />

1890 41 93 102 88<br />

1891 44 93 102 88,6<br />

TToomee IIVV I<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

PPhhi iil lli iippppee JJoouur J rddoonn /<br />


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